The Anglican Consultative Council’s Standing Committee: Who Is Janet Trisk?

Janet Trisk is a member of the Sea of Faith Network, which is an organization of people who, despite their varied church memberships, believes that God has no real objective existence. He is merely a human construct and a potent symbol.

Janet Trisk is an appointed member of one of the most powerful bodies in the Anglican Communion. To quote the Sea of Faith Network’s own website, her beliefs entail “the claim that even after we have given up the idea that religious beliefs can be grounded in anything beyond the human realm, religion can still be believed and practiced in new ways.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Consultative Council

2 comments on “The Anglican Consultative Council’s Standing Committee: Who Is Janet Trisk?

  1. Larry Morse says:

    Have we heard this all before in any one of a thousand disguises. Atheism is like a rich relative with no friends. He cannot understand why no one will love him because he is so rich. Larry

  2. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Kinda like marriage, huh? Welcome the BRAVE NEW ANGLICAN WORLD.
    Alduous, thou prophet, take a bow!