(ENS) Deputies leave historic meeting eager to discuss same-gender blessings with wider church

House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson and the Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers, SCLM chair, stressed during the gathering that the participating deputies had not been asked to debate whether the church should gather resources about same-gender blessings or whether the church should bless such relationships. Meyers said that C056 asked the SCLM to gather resources and that the bishops and deputies who gather for the 2012 meeting of General Convention “will decide the status of those resources in the church.”

At its October 2011 meeting, the SCLM is due to decide on the substance of its C056 report that will be included in the so-called Blue Book collection of reports to 2012 General Convention.

Anderson told the deputies as they prepared to depart Atlanta March 19 that “we don’t agree on every single word and every single approach and on all of the theology. Some deputies didn’t agree on C056. They said so then and they say so now and that’s okay.”

“Some of us did agree and we have moved together in a common rhythm,” she said. “We have learned from each other and it reinforces the fact that we are the holy people of God brought together by God in holy and Christian community.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

8 comments on “(ENS) Deputies leave historic meeting eager to discuss same-gender blessings with wider church

  1. Northwest Bob says:

    =…we are the holy people of God…= And Phooey on the rest of you. I would not say that that train is bound for glory.
    NW Bob

  2. Teatime2 says:

    Well, they can come up with some sort of liturgy and pat themselves on the back over it but that doesn’t mean all of the churches are going to permit it/use it/celebrate it. It also doesn’t mean that homosexuals are going to be beating down our doors wanting it.

    I know it’s a difficult thing for those who live on the West Coast and the “progressive centers” of the Northeast to grasp but much of the country doesn’t live or think as they do. And as Americans struggle to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, this issue isn’t even a blip on the radar.

  3. Milton Finch says:

    I have a question for Kendall or anyone that could answer this.
    We, in the Diocese of South Carolina, passed a resolution stating that we would not attend any of these meetings that went against what the Anglican Communion stood for. Did we send any delegates to this meeting that, to my eye’s view, falls into that category?

  4. nwlayman says:

    “In the document, the IALC also asks the provinces of the Anglican Communion to provide it with “theological perspectives” on gender-related issues including “the meaning of ‘male’ and ‘female’, ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, gender complementarity, the cultural construction of gender, same-gender attraction, and gender hierarchy.” That section also notes that the consultation also wants to work on issues of marriage and polygamy, and divorce and remarriage.”

    The *meaning* of male & female, *issues* of marriage & polygamy….Oh, no additional territorial claims in Europe. I recall the outrage, the offense taken when folks with agendas of same sex “marriage” were asked whether this could lead in directions like polygamy. When people have to ask about the meaning of gender you know you have subchristians aboard. In case it isn’t noticed, this makes other Christian groups question ANY marriage in the Episcopal Church. Once certain Anglicans were anxious about “Anglican Orders” and their validity outside their own borders. Perhaps it’s time to start thinking about just what it “means” to be married at all as an Anglican, because the “meaning” is getting pretty thin. When it includes everything it is very dilute.

  5. BlueOntario says:

    Teatime2, haven’t you gotten the word yet? Gay marraige is old news, a fact waiting to happen. The polls say so and this conference is evidence. Much of the country just needs to keep up with the times.

  6. lostdesert says:

    [blockquote] this issue isn’t even a blip on the radar.

    Actually it is. My previous church priest was intent upon hiring the secy he chose because said candidate was gay, qualified, but gay qualified, that is, more qualified due to gayness. Hmmmm. This issue will drive the marriage of your children, where held, what vows said, what nit-wit officiates.

    Good bye TEC.

  7. Fr. J. says:

    … and less enthused about speaking of Jesus!

  8. LumenChristie says:

    Oh, blah-de blah-de blah blah blah.