What was Pete Rose Thinking?

Check out what he wore yesterday at opening day–my goodness.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Sports

12 comments on “What was Pete Rose Thinking?

  1. Jim the Puritan says:

    That jacket’s cool. Where can we get one?

  2. Cranmerian says:

    How did Elton John get confused for Pete Rose?

  3. Ian+ says:

    He swiped that out of Ray Barone’s mother’s closet, didn’t he?

  4. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    Fashion Hall of Fame candidate, he ain’t.

  5. Robert Lundy says:

    gambling jacket

  6. graydon says:

    Watched the Cardinals’ home opener yesterday. Many of their HOF players were present, and dressed somewhat better than Charlie Hustle. Hard to look at, eh?

  7. Scott K says:

    He was never one to show good judgement.

  8. tjmcmahon says:

    What, is Pete Rose a new suffragan bishop of TEC?

  9. Fradgan says:

    It’s not a fashion statement. It’s a cry for help.

  10. Mithrax+ says:

    I believe this is him making a rude gesture to the Commish.

  11. Katherine says:

    In a hurry on the way out the door. Picked up his wife’s home-quilted jacket by mistake. Too cold to sit there without it.

  12. David Fischler says:

    Don’t laugh–I understand the Presiding Bishop has a mitre and chasable made of the same material.