(RNS) Egyptians Want Advice, Not Rule, of Clerics

Four months after the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a new Gallup survey says a majority of Egyptians want religious leaders to advise the nation’s officials but they do not want a theocracy.

About seven in 10 Egyptians said clerics should advise national leaders on legislation. In comparison, 14 percent said religious leaders should have full authority in creating laws and 9 percent said they should have no authority.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Egypt, Middle East, Religion & Culture

2 comments on “(RNS) Egyptians Want Advice, Not Rule, of Clerics

  1. robroy says:

    This poll doesn’t matter because the newly announced Salafists and Muslim Brotherhood cooperative will win the election and their intent is to create a theocracy. There is no credible opposition.

  2. Vanessa Lee says:

    I am completely agree with it, especially “clerics should advise national leaders on legislation”. [b][url=http://www.jcchristiancounseling.com/]Christian Counseling[/url][/b]