USA Today: A year before voting, a nation of discontent

Call us the Unhappy States of America.

One year before Election Day 2008, most Americans are dismayed by the country’s direction, pessimistic about the Iraq war and anxious about the economy. Two of three disapprove of the job President Bush is doing. Nearly a year after Democrats took control of Congress, three of four Americans say it isn’t achieving much, either.

In all, 72% of those surveyed in a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Oct. 12-14 say they are dissatisfied with how things are going in the USA while just 26% are satisfied. Not since April have even one-third of Americans been happy with the country’s course, the longest national funk in 15 years.

“Don’t get me wrong, America’s a great country,” says Lori Jones, 46, a medical assistant in Phoenix. But she worries about her family’s finances and prospects for the next generation. “I think we’ve somehow lost our way.”

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Posted in * Culture-Watch

One comment on “USA Today: A year before voting, a nation of discontent

  1. libraryjim says:

    [i]Nearly a year after Democrats took control of Congress, three of four Americans say it isn’t achieving much, either.[/i]

    The last poll I saw had a 6 – 13% approval rating for Congress. Hardly the 25% given in the article.