(NY Times) Babies to Heroes: A Field Guide to Big-Screen Men

The male archetypes populating contemporary movies don’t line up with reality, yet they offer clues about what the men of our dreams look like, or at least what moviemakers are trying to sell us. What do men want? What does it mean to be a man? How does a man relate to other men? And perhaps above all, how does he relate to women, who increasingly occupy a separate sphere on the big screen even as they appear to have more room on television, for themselves and in their relationships with men? There are no simple answers to these questions, but following many grueling, air-conditioned, popcorn-fueled hours of research, we have assembled enough data to offer an abridged field guide to the Hollywood male animal.

Their categories are: the big baby; the brave boy; the bachelor; the husband; the hero; and the wimp. Read it all–KSH..


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Men, Movies & Television