Christian volunteers minister to fans at Texas Motor Speedway

Prayer said, Scripture read, birthday song happily sung, the Rev. Roger Marsh has a message for his team. Stay on track.

“Be kind, courteous and respectful toward each other,” he says. “Keep in mind that we’re out here with a task, and that is to share the Lord.”

The pastor leads a parting prayer. Then it’s off to work, off to the multitudes swarming at Texas Motor Speedway.

Speedway officials estimate this weekend’s racing triple-header, peaking with Sunday’s Dickies 500 race, will draw 400,000 fans to the Tarrant County oval.

And as always, Dr. Marsh and his fellow volunteers of Texas Alliance Raceway Ministries are there to lend a hand, offer support and spread the word.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Religion & Culture, Sports

One comment on “Christian volunteers minister to fans at Texas Motor Speedway

  1. stevejax says:

    I’m always curious to see this. I would think that trying to minister at large sporting events like this would be very difficult; if only for the reason that most of the people who are there are focused on something else entirely — namely the sporting event. I must admit that I tend to be apathetic, or even a bit irritated, when approached by ministers at these types of events.

    On a lighter note, I hope that they were [url=]immunized[/url] before going to the event.