(ACNS) Good news for Zimbabwe Anglicans tempered by reports of orphan abuse

Stories of child abuse and neglect at an Anglican orphanage have tempered Zimbabwe Anglican’s celebrations at legal decisions provisionally returning church property to them.

Today the Anglican Diocese of Harare revealed that children at the Shearly Cripps Children’s Home–an orphanage taken from the church by supporters of the excommunicated bishop Nolbert Kunonga–have been suffering under those who replaced the legitimate staff.

“It has been brought to the attention of the Anglican Diocese of Harare (CPCA) that orphaned children at Shearly Cripps are being ill-treated, under-fed and have become exposed to all forms of threats,” said a spokesperson for the diocese. “Reports indicate that one child allegedly drank a harmful substance and was rushed to hospital for urgent medical attention.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Africa, Zimbabwe

2 comments on “(ACNS) Good news for Zimbabwe Anglicans tempered by reports of orphan abuse

  1. Terry Tee says:

    The scale of the looting has surprised even me. A recent [url=http://www.thezimbabwean.co.uk/news/zimbabwe/53702/kunonga-strips-anglicans-of-property.html]report[/url] puts the value of property stolen at US $ 40m, some 160 houses and churches. Very sad. Zimbabwe as a whole reminds me of the terrible infection necrotising fasciitis, where the body literally consumes itself.

  2. Terry Tee says:

    Hmm. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong in trying to create the hyperlink above? Yours incompetently, Fr Terry.

    [i]Fr. Terry, we fixed your link, I think your HTML coding was fine. However, the T19 comments sometimes act up with HTML coding, particularly for links, and seem to do better with “bulletin board coding.” The way to do a link, using T19 as an example is:
    to type “url=http://new.kendallharmon.net” (without quotes) in square brackets, then the name you want to give the link, e.g. TitusOneNine, and then “/url” in square brackets (without quotes) at the end. – hope this makes sense. This is what it would look like:[/i]


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    — The elves[/i]