Proposed Resolutions for the Diocese of Southern Ohio Convention

Check them out, the Convention was held this weekend.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Diocesan Conventions/Diocesan Councils

8 comments on “Proposed Resolutions for the Diocese of Southern Ohio Convention

  1. Grandmother says:

    Well, I look forward to seeing how many of those are passed, especially the Windsor Report item..
    Gloria in SC

  2. Albany* says:

    These proposed Resolutions are all worth reading. Here is a most worthy example:

    Resolved, that the 133rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southern Ohio encourage parishes to work with organizations like Anglicans for Life to develop and distribute materials to educate parishes on how to reach out to pregnant women.

    Explanation: “Facts in Brief,” a research document by The Alan Guttmacher Institute from September 1995, reports that the majority of women choose abortion for one or more of the following reasons: 1)”They don’t feel they can care for the baby and manage work, school, or other responsibilities (75%); 2) “They cannot afford to have a child (66%); 3) “They are concerned about the stability of the relationship with the baby’s
    father (50%); 4) “Only 1% of women aborting say they have been advised that their unborn baby has a defect, and only 1% say they became pregnant by rape or incest. In other words, women don’t have abortions because they want to; they have abortions
    because they feel they have no other choice.

    Impact on God’s Vision in the Diocese of Southern Ohio: The Diocese of Southern Ohio, in our effort to grow and fulfill our Baptism Covenant to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being,” must separate the political issue of abortion from the real needs of women and provide a ministry to pregnant women that truly gives them a choice.

  3. Carolina Anglican says:

    May God bless James Menke, St. Matthew’s, Westerville. I wonder if he stands alone.

  4. Kevin Maney+ says:

    Dr. Menke stands alone in the dio (he was not even allowed to speak to any of his three proposals and this proposal was significantly altered) but his parish stands with him. He is a good man.

  5. KevinBabb says:

    St. Matthew’s, Westerville is the last remaining Orthodox parish in DioSOhio. I commend my brother James Menke for his stand for the Gospel.

  6. Statmann says:

    How can anyone be surprised that the good doctor’s efforts were futile. It was over a decade ago (April 1996) that the Most Rev. Edmond Browning (then TEC PB) endorsed a letter to Congress urging them NOT to overturn President Clinton’s veto of a bill which would have barred most late-term (partial birth) abortions. Browning
    was successful and the veto survived. Pope John Paul II called the veto shameless and a brutal act against the innocent. The TEC did not try to refute these acts then and it still doesn’t. Will it? NO

  7. Deaconbecky` says:

    In the fall, I attended a parish meeting at St. Matthew’s Westerville where the new Bishop answered questions about the prevailing issues of the day. To say the least, the questions were kindly addressed but very pertinent, intelligent and deeply spiritual. It is a wonderful and Godly parish and we pray for them daily.

  8. Jeremy Bonner says:

    A quick note on HOW the pro-life resolution was modified.

    [i] R07-5:

    Resolved, that the 133rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southern Ohio recognize God’s hand in procreation as described in Psalm 139: “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”; and be it further

    Resolved, that the Diocese of Southern Ohio accept the biblical teaching that directs Christians to help those in need, especially the widows and orphans as described in Isaiah 1:17: “learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow” and in James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”; and be it further

    Resolved, that the 133rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southern Ohio encourage every congregation to develop an outreach program that helps pregnant women. The diocese further encourages that every parish identify local health, medical, financial, housing and parenting resources in its community and make the information available to pregnant women; and be it further

    Resolved, that the Bishop and diocesan Council or an ad hoc committee appointed by them be directed to compile and distribute to all congregation a list of educational resources consistent with the whole of Resolution A054 of the General Convention 1994 to help clergy and congregations ministering with women who are pregnant. italic [/i]

    One would expect Anglicans for Life to be ruled out as a trustworthy source of information, but isn’t it interesting how, despite the fact that several of the other resolutions are filled with explanatory material, the data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute could not be allowed to stand. How sad that the legacy of Bishop Thompson should be reduced to this.