A Soldier Returns Home

Makes the heart really glad–don’t miss it.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Iraq War, Military / Armed Forces

3 comments on “A Soldier Returns Home

  1. recchip says:

    Thank you Kendall,
    Again, you have made me cry. (Your post on Veteran’s Day was also a tearjerker).

    Thank you,

  2. DonGander says:

    I am thankful for the soldiers who protect my family from some of the worst of evil there is. I am grateful that fathers can come home to their families. I hope the job is completed soon and they all can come home. At the same time, these stories almost seem voyeuristic in nature; Scenes to private to watch.

  3. rlw6 says:

    God Bless all those who sacrifice to keep us safe and Bless their families who give so much to support them.
