Presiding Bishop visits Charlotte Episcopal Church on Its Big Anniversary

[Jefferts] Schori presides over Episcopalians in 16 countries. She made her first visit to North Carolina, in part, to help St. Martin’s celebrate its 125th anniversary, a century of it spent in the small building tucked between Seventh Street and Independence Park.

As Schori noted often in her sermon, St. Martin’s has a long tradition of community involvement. It was home to the city’s first Boys and Girls Scout troops. Today, its 750 members are active participants in a host of community affairs, from AIDS and HIV awareness to homelessness and affordable housing.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Presiding Bishop, TEC Parishes

2 comments on “Presiding Bishop visits Charlotte Episcopal Church on Its Big Anniversary

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    Now the PB “presides over Episcopalians in 16 countries”? And pray tell how many of her Episcopalians are found in “16 countries”? And the average Sunday attendance?

    A new TEC PR offensive is unveiled.

  2. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    “This net is a living organism. … Your task is to keep it wet and alive.”

    I see – like a squid?