Notable and Quotable

[Steven] Van Zandt has a way to counter all this, at least where music is concerned. He’s drawn up a high school music curriculum that tells American history through music. It would introduce students to Muddy Waters, the Mississippi Sheiks, Bob Dylan and the Allman Brothers. He’s trying to use music to motivate and engage students, but most of all, he is trying to establish a canon, a common tradition that reminds students that they are inheritors of a long conversation.

And Van Zandt is doing something that is going to be increasingly necessary for foundations and civic groups. We live in an age in which the technological and commercial momentum drives fragmentation. It’s going to be necessary to set up countervailing forces ”” institutions that span social, class and ethnic lines.

Music used to do this. Not so much anymore.

David Brooks in today’s NY Times.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Music

One comment on “Notable and Quotable

  1. RoyIII says:

    Little Stevie is a hero. I met him through the Sopranos; never had any interest in Springsteen et al before, and now really dig the whole bunch, but especially Van Zandt.