A Quick Intrade Check into Tonight's Primaries

Mitt Romney to win the 2012 Mississippi Primary 69.5

Mitt Romney to win the 2012 Alabama Primary 39.8 (Santorum 40.0)

Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012 88.1

Barack Obama to be re-elected President in 2012 60.3


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Office of the President, Politics in General

8 comments on “A Quick Intrade Check into Tonight's Primaries

  1. Dallasite says:

    Missed on Mississippi. Santorum would be a disaster as a candidate. He would be for Republicans what McGovern and Mondale were for the Democrats. Obama would eat his lunch.

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    Re #1
    Yep. You could also add Goldwater in 1964 to that list. Nominating Santorum or Gingrich would be repeating on a national scale the mistake the GOP’s far right made in the Delaware Senate Race a couple years ago. They practically gift wrapped that seat for the Democrats who should have never had a shot at it. Unfortunately the Tea Party / Free Republic purists never seem to have gotten Bill Buckley’s all important political memo.

    “You don’t nominate the most conservative candidate. You nominate the most conservative candidate who can win.” I am sick of the term RINO. These morons just don’t grasp that political principals aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit (apologies to John N. Garner who did not use the word “spit”), if you aren’t in public office to exercise them.

    All of which said my guy has no chance of winning so this is just entertainment for me right now.

  3. Kendall Harmon says:

    Yes, Intrade very off on Mississippi–there is no flawless tool as I have noted time and again.

  4. Sarah says:

    RE: “Nominating Santorum or Gingrich would be repeating on a national scale the mistake the GOP’s far right made in the Delaware Senate Race a couple years ago.”

    Or . . . repeating on a national scale the excellent choices the far right made on so many other races a couple of years ago in going for the far more conservative candidate, listening to the babbling predictions of doom of the CINOs, and proceeding to win. One just never knows, although certainly some believe they do.

    RE: “You don’t nominate the most conservative candidate. You nominate the most conservative candidate who can win.”

    Yeh — but first you gotta get an actual conservative and nominate him — rather than, you know, trying the McCain way all over again.

    Me — I’d rather go down swinging anyway, since Romney can’t win the moderate/independent vote enough to offset the chunks of conservatives who won’t be voting for him, just as was warned about and happened with McCain.

  5. evan miller says:

    Amen, Sarah. Romney would just be another McCain. Santorum might lose, but who knows, the people who wrested control of the House from the Democrats last time around might just put him over the top. At least we can vote without holding our nose if Santorum is the nominee. Unlike some, however, if Romney is the Republican candidate, I’ll go ahead, hold my nose, and vote for him. Kermit the Frog would be an improvment on the current occupant of the White House.

  6. Sarah says:

    RE: “At least we can vote without holding our nose if Santorum is the nominee.”

    Well I still might hold my nose a bit — the field has been, in my opinion, pretty darn bad. I could list lots of issues with Santorum — his big labor votes, his big-government budget votes, etc, etc. But it’s just a tribute to how thoroughly bad in every way Romney’s record of actions was in MA that I could be reasonably happy that Santorum — certainly not a fiscal conservative — won.

    Mind you, I still think Romney will be the nominee — which means that we all need to recognize that Obama will gain a second term. Hopefully conservatives can make gains in Congress as we did in 2010.

  7. Ad Orientem says:

    “He is a big government crony capitalist war monger who thinks the government should tell people how to live their lives.”

    Q. Who does that quote NOT apply to…
    a. President Obama
    b. Mitt Romney
    c. Newt Gingrich
    d. Rick Santorum
    e. Ron Paul

    (Hint: There is only one correct answer.)

  8. Sarah says:

    Yeh . . . that’s why conservatives — who aren’t libertarians — have to choose between the least liberal Republicans and weed out the libertarian. Tough row to hoe, but conservatives have to do it. It’s a sad lineup.

    Of course, libertarians have only one choice . . . well . . . two choices I guess. So that’s great for the libertarians. They don’t have to worry about trying to find a candidate that fits conservative values since they’re not conservatives but libertarians. Good for them.