(Charisma News) 'Left Behind' Movie Remake to Star Nicolas Cage

Actor Nicolas Cage will reportedly star in what producers hope will be a new, improved movie version of the best-selling, end-times thriller Left Behind.

The project is being developed by Cloud Ten Pictures, which released the first film adaptation of the book in 2000, following it with two other installments from the successful series of novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins””which have sold more than 64 million copies since the first title came out in 1995.

Cloud Ten founder and CEO Paul Lalonde, who was one of the producers of the original, independently made movie that starred Kirk Cameron, is producing the action thriller that will be “in the mold of a classic disaster film” with Michael Walker, The Hollywood Reporter reported. Jay David Williams of Family Screen Partners is executive producing.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Eschatology, Movies & Television, Religion & Culture, Theology

4 comments on “(Charisma News) 'Left Behind' Movie Remake to Star Nicolas Cage

  1. Stefano says:

    Maybe they’ll title it…
    “Gone in Sixty Verses”…. or
    “Leaving Las Vegas and Jerusalem”

    I think I’ll pass

  2. Br. Michael says:

    I am not into dispensationalist theology even if if is packaged as a disaster film.

  3. Vatican Watcher says:

    Will Nic play Buck or Rayford? He’d be a real cradle robber if they cast him as Buck and then set him up with Rayford’s college-aged daughter. 😛

    (Never read the books or seen the movies, but I have read [url=http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2011/08/07/left-behind-index-i-posts-1-50/]Fred Clark’s analysis[/url] of the first book.

  4. The Lakeland Two says:

    I enjoyed the series. But was happier my brother picked them up. It gave an un-churched person a dose of God he wouldn’t normally have gotten. He’s more curious and more believing in God. So, here’s hoping the central message stays. If Liam Neeson can be Asland, maybe Nicholas Cage can pull off Rayford. Can’t see him as Buck, but they’d have to do major rewrites – ah, Hollywood.