NBC News: Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Law & Legal Issues, Religion & Culture

13 comments on “NBC News: Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

  1. robroy says:

    Secularism run amok. For the ultimate outrage of the “Happy Holidays” madness, see here:


  2. justin says:

    My rule: if you’re really talking about celebrating the birth of Christ, say Merry Christmas; otherwise, say Happy Holidays. I have no problem whatsoever with the disassociation of “the Holiday Season” from the Feast of the Nativity.

  3. ElaineF. says:

    Since the birth of the baby Jesus is the “reason for the season,” I say Merry Christmas or Happy Holydays.

  4. athan-asi-us says:

    To really be politically correct and true to our Hallmark Card religion, we are recognizing a multi-cultural, inclusive event about homeless Mary and her planned magic baby. Happy HOLLYdays.

  5. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    Hang on! Why don’t secdularists just go to work and ignore the feast day? It is a RELIGIOUS event regardless of anyones sensitivities. And I would love to see the same idiots demand that Muslims refer to Ramadan as ‘Holiday Season’.

    So so so so sad and silly.

    And with eyes of faith- what a huge sign of the arrogance of man rather than gratitiude at the incarnation.

  6. Br_er Rabbit says:

    …and a Happy Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord to all.

  7. AnglicanFirst says:

    Around where I live Wal,art cahiers are sying Merry Christamas while the local super market chain store cashiers are saying Happy Holiday. A supermarket cashier seemed nonplussed when I responded with Merry Christmas.

    My favorite Anglican priest, from England by the way, responds with “Happy Holy Day to you too” when wished a Happy Holiday.

  8. libraryjim says:

    We could always start saying “Merry Gift-mas”. 😉

  9. MJD_NV says:

    Do NOT give them any ideas, library Jim! 😉

    Couldn’t we be like the Brits, split the difference & say Happy Christmas?

  10. jkc1945 says:

    Merry Rama-Hana-Kwanz-mas seems like it ought to suit about everyone.

  11. azusa says:

    #10 – hey, what about Festivus, for the rest of us?

  12. robroy says:

    I saw a lady today at the hospital who had a button that read, “It’s OK to wish me a Merry Christmas!” Perhaps, that is what we need to do. Freedom of religion has become freedom from religion.

  13. rob k says:

    Also, the tone of the secularist scolds is so self-righteous and above-it-all.