Sunday on T19

Christ-St Paul’s, Yonges Island

Available Now – [see the link immediately below for full listing]:
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for March 29th
+ Our Inheritance ”“ Dr Ashley Null [Cranmer and the Mission of the Church]
+ Sermons from St Helena’s, Beaufort, SC
+ Prayers for South Carolina – Lent and Beyond
+ Prayers for the Church of England

+ Prayers for the Ebola Crisis – Lent and Beyond
+ Prayers for Iraq – Lent and Beyond

From March 22nd 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for March 22nd
+ My God, My God why has Thou Forsaken me – Dr Kendall Harmon

From March 15th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for March 15th
+ God’s Big Picture: an overview of the Bible, showing how the different parts of the Bible fit together under the theme of the kingdom of God – Vaughan Roberts

From March 8th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for March 8th
+ CS Lewis: ‘A Prophet for Contemporary Christianity’ – Professor Alister McGrath – LICC Video
+ Why Do You Worry? – Vaughan Roberts [Luke 12:22-34]

From March 1st 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for March 1st
+ ”˜Father Forgive them for they know not what they do’ – Dr Kendall Harmon

From February 22nd 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for February 22nd
+ When only the deepest reality will do – Os Guinness [Exodus 33:7-23]
+ Oxford’s Questions on Science and Faith – Alister McGrath [mp3]
+ Choral Evensong from St John’s College, Cambridge

From February 15th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for February 15th
+ God’s Plan for Human Relationship and Marriage ”“ Bishop Tom Wright at Humanum 2014
+ Beautiful Feet – Bishop Ken Clark at St Philip’s Charleston [Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15]
+ Stephen at the Sanhedrin ”“ Vaughan Roberts [Acts 6:8-8:1]
+ The John Stott London Lecture 2014: Double Listening ”“ Alister McGrath
+ Choral Evensong from St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle

From February 8th 2015
[There will be no general links this week – please pray for the Diocese of South Carolina and for the Church of England]

From February 1st 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for February 1st
+ Epiphany Carol Service with the Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge
+ Sunday Service from Lisburn Cathedral, Antrim in Northern Ireland
+ Peter at the Sanheddrin [Acts 4:8-12] – Vaughan Roberts
+ Serving God’s Purpose in our Generation – Os Guinness
+ Living with Your Back to the Audience – Dean Justin Terry
+ In the Beginning – Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
+ God knows us Better than We Know Ourselves (John 1:43-51) – Dr Kendall Harmon

From January 25th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for January 25th
+ God knows us Better than We Know Ourselves (John 1:43-51) – Dr Kendall Harmon

From January 18th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for January 18th
+ Listening to God [Luke 10:38-42] – William Taylor
+ Epiphany: Where are you Going? (Matthew 2:1-12) – Dr Kendall Harmon

From January 11th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for January 11th
+ Epiphany: Where are you Going? (Matthew 2:1-12) – Dr Kendall Harmon
+ What about the stars? [Matthew 2:1-12] ”“ Bishop Rennis Ponniah

From January 4th 2015
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for January 4th
+ Jeffrey Miller’s Sermon for Christmas 2014””Will You Miss Christmas This Year?
+ Peter Moore””Did Jesus have to be born of a Virgin? Rethinking the Virgin Birth
+ Christmas and New Year Messages
+ Christmas on T19
+ Blog Open Thread: How, Where and With Whom are You Spending Christmas 2014?
+ London Fireworks 2015

From December 28th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for December 28th
+ Christmas Eve Sermon – Bishop Mark Lawrence [Luke 2:1-20]
+ Jesus, God’s Indescribable Gift of Love ”“ Bishop Rennis Ponniah [Matthew 1]

From December 21st
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for December 21st
+ Sermon from a Service of Hope and Prayer – Archbishop Glenn Davies
+ How God Restores His Purpose – Bishop Raphael Samuel of Bolivia at Holy Comforter, Sumter, SC
+ St John the Baptist and the danger of cheap grace – Dr Kendall Harmon
+ Advent Links from Lent and Beyond
+ More Advent Links
+ Advent Carol Service from St John’s College, Cambridge
+ Advent Carol Service from Trinity College, Cambridge

From December 14th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for December 14th
+ St John the Baptist and the danger of cheap grace – Dr Kendall Harmon
+ The Theology of Joy: N. T. Wright with Miroslav Volf ”“ Yale Video
+ 4 Talks from Professor John Lennox on Discipleship in Daniel: Standing Strong for God in a Secular Society
+ Identity and Integrity [Daniel 1-2]
+ Revelation and Reason [Daniel 3-5]
+ Power and Truth [Daniel 6-12]

From December 7th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for December 7th
+ Sermons from Christ St Pauls on Advent Conspiracy and James
+ Children of the Light ”“ Vaughan Roberts
+ Approved by God ”“ Richard Bewes
+ Alister McGrath interviewed by J John
+ Choral Evensong from Westminster Abbey

From November 30th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for November 30th
+ Advent Carol Service from St John’s College, Cambridge
+ Advent Carol Service from Trinity College, Cambridge

From November 23rd
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for November 23rd
+ Dr Kendall Harmon – Money Talks, what does our use of God’s money say?
+ Choral Matins from the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace with the Bishop of London

From November 16th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for November 16th
+ Bishop Mouneer Anis – How shall we wait for the Lord to come? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Matthew 25:1-13]
+ Choral Evensong from Durham Cathedral

From November 9th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for November 9th
+ Dr Kendall Harmon – Sermon for All Saints Sunday and Study Guide
Talks from the South Carolina Clergy Conference with Bishop Ken Clarke:
+ The Double Vision of Jesus with an introduction from Bishop Mark Lawrence
+ Failure is not Final
+ Do you love me?
+ Sermon from Rev Mike Lumpkin

From November 2nd
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for November 2nd
+ Bishop Mark Lawrence’s sermon at the dedication of Chr/St. Paul’s new Building, All Saints Day 2008

From October 26th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for October 26th
+ Canon Kendall Harmon – Wrestling with the problem of Prejudice [James 2]
+ Bishop Rennis Ponniah – Let Jesus heal the way we see [Luke 10:25-37]
+ Professor Alister McGrath preaches using Tolkein from Merton College Oxford

From October 19th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for October 19th
+ J John – What it means to be a Christian
+ Choral Evensong from Truro Cathedral

From October 12th
+ Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for October 12th
+ Professor Christopher Seitz: The Wedding Banquet
+ Rev Prebendary Charles Marnham: The Power of the Gospel [2 Corinthians 4:1-9 and 5:11-21]
+ Marks of a Christian – 6 Summer talks from the Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
+ Choral Evensong from Winchester College Chapel

From October 5th
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for October 5th
+ Dr Peter Moore – Finding God in our transitions and text
+ Vaughan Roberts – Belief and unbelief
+ Sept 29 ”“ Oct 5: A week of prayer for the Ebola Crisis – Lent and Beyond

From September 28th
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources for September 28th
+ St Michael’s Charleston 250th Clock and Bells Celebration from here
+ Choral Evensong from Derby Cathedral

From September 21st
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources
+ Dr Kendall Harmon – The Book of James: Trials [James 1]
+ Bishop Rennis Ponniah – What counts with God

From September 14th
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources
Bishop Rennis Ponniah – Let the Children Come [Matthew 19 and Proverbs 2]
+ Bishop Mark Lawrence Calls for Fasting+Praying for the Persecuted Church September 14-15

From September 7th
Dr Kendall Harmon – Thinking about work from a Christian perspective – a Labor Day Sermon
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From August 31st
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources
+ Lecture 4 on the Sons of Zebedee: Called to Fish for People – Richard Bauckham – Video [mp4] and Audio [mp3]
+ Lecture 5: Sons of Thunder – Video [mp4] and Audio [mp3]
+ Lecture 6: Jerusalem – Video [mp4] and Audio [mp3] – h/t Peter Carrell

From August 24th
+ Service from this year’s Keswick Convention with Ravi Zacharias and Stuart Townend
+ Father Terry Tee: Homily on Matthew 16.13-20
+ The Shepherd – Mark Meynell [Psalm 23 & 1Sam16-17]
+ More of Mark Meynell’s talks on the Psalms of David
+ Lecture 2 on the Sons of Zebedee: The Fishing Industry – Richard Bauckham – Video [mp4] and Audio [mp3]
+ Lecture 3: Zebedee and Sons – Video [mp4] and Audio [mp3] – h/t Peter Carrell
+ Call to Prayer and Prayer Resource for those Suffering in the Middle East – Sunday August 24
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From August 17th
+ St Paul in Athens – Michael Green [Acts 17:16-34]
+ The Sons of Zebedee: Two Galilean Fishermen – Richard Bauckham – Video [mp4] or Audio [mp3] h/t Peter Carrell
+ The Uniqueness of Christ in a Multi-Faith World – Ravi Zacharias
+ My Journey to Christ – Nabeel Qureshi
+ What is the Hope for Humanity? – NT Wright and Ross Douthat
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From August 10th
Charlie Hughes – How Christianity Came to the Maori people
William Taylor – Human Wickedness and the Grace of God [Genesis 34:1-31]
Jonathan Redfearn – How to pray effectively [James 5]
Canon Andrew White speaks to BBC Newsnight
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From August 3rd
Bishop Rennis Ponniah – Do not drift, Do not withdraw – Finish the Race [Hebrews 12:1-3]
Dr Kendall Harmon – The Kingdom of God, Power to Grow, and Change [Matthew 13]
Prayers for South Carolina – Lent and Beyond
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From July 27th
What is the future for Iraq’s Christians? – Canon Andrew White Interview
Mosul Christian: Thanks for Changing Your #WeAreN Photo – Christianity Today
Sunday Service from the Buxton Festival with Mozart’s Missa Brevis in B flat
Prayer for South Carolina
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From July 20th
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From July 13th
A night of worship and testimony with Archbishop Benjamin & Gloria Kwashi at Christ St Pauls SC
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From July 6th
A New Prayer for South Carolina – Lent and Beyond
Archbishop Ben Kwashi – Jesus Calls us to Discipleship [Matthew 10]
Archbishop Peter Jensen – The Final Authority [2 Peter 1]
Vaughan Roberts – Called to change the world [Matthew 5:13-16]
Videos of talks from the ACNA Assembly
The bells of York Minster
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From June 29th
Archbishop Ben and Gloria Kwashi at the ACNA Assembly
Will this world see Jesus Christ again? ”“ Professor John Lennox [2 Peter 1:16-21] MP3
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From June 22nd
Dr. Kendall Harmon – Trinity Sunday: Who is Jesus to You? [Luke 3]
Bishop Grant LeMarquand – Making Biblical Anglicans for a Global Age: Relationally [Acts 16:11-15] speaking at Church of Our Saviour, John’s Island
Dr John Yates II ”“ Trinity School for Ministry Commencement Address [1 Peter 5]
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From June 15th
And he said, put out into the deep water…” – Bishop Mark Lawrence preaching at Trinity School for Ministry [Luke 5:1-5]
Pentecost Sunday Sermon – Bishop Mouneer Anis in Singapore [Acts 2, Psalm 104]
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From June 8th
Ascension Sunday Sermon – Dr Kendall Harmon
Father Nigel Mumford talks about his call to healing ministry
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From June 1st
Why do the innocent suffer? ”“ Vaughan Roberts [Job 1-3]
The Historical Reliability of the Gospel of St Luke ”“ Dr Peter Williams of Tyndale House [Luke 1:1-24:53]
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From May 25th
Never Forget – Dr Peter Walker
A Convergent Dichotomy: the Axioms and Implications of Science – Professor John Lennox
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From May 18th
Take Courage, I AM, Fear Not – Dr Kendall Harmon – Matthew 14
The God who cares ”“ why should we bother? ”“ Rev Hugh Palmer ”“ All Souls, Langham Place – Psalm 73
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From May 11th
The Road Home – Bishop Ferran Glenfield of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardaugh (Ireland) visiting Church of the Cross, Bluffton
Zacchaeus met Jesus [Luke 19:10] ”“ Bishop Mike Hill at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore
Sharing in Christ’s Suffering and Glory ”“ Canon Andrew White ”“ Wheaton College Chapel – Video MP4
or audio MP3 download
Holy Communion from Down Cathedral, Downpatrick – Preacher: Bishop Harold Millar
Choral Evensong from Tewkesbury Abbey
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From May 4th
A Sermon on the Resurrection by Dr Kendall Harmon
Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From April 27th
Jesus is Risen ”“ The New Creation has begun ”“ Bishop Rennis Ponniah ”“ St Andrews Singapore [John 20]
Easter Day Sermon ”“ Bishop Paul Barnett ”“ St Helena’s Beaufort
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From April 6th
Do the Work of an Evangelist – Bishop Mark Lawrence
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From March 30th
God upholds human dignity – Bishop Henry Orombi – St Andrew’s Cathedral Singapore [Psalms 8:1-9 John 8:1-11 and John 3:16-17]
The Woman at the Well – Bishop Mark Lawrence [John 4]
The Astounding Authority of Jesus – Dr Kendall Harmon (Luke 4:31-44)
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From March 9th
Go Up The Mountain Of Transfiguration ”“ Bishop Rennis Ponniah
The prophets speak God’s truth and declare a coming savior – Craig N. Borrett
Three excellent talks by Roger Carswell, evangelist, at All Souls, Langham Place:
Real Lives 1 [Luke 24:36-53]
Real Lives 2 [Luke 15:11-32]
The Death of Jesus Christ [Matthew 27:45-56]
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

From March 2nd:
Bishop FitzSimons Allison: The god within versus the God of our fathers
Dr Kendall Harmon’s Sermon: Psalms of the Savior [Ps 69]
Dr Peter C. Moore: “They Changed Their World ”“ Thomas Cranmer”
More Sunday Services, Talks and Resources

Posted in * Admin, * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Featured (Sticky), Liturgy, Music, Worship

7 comments on “Sunday on T19

  1. sophy0075 says:

    What a wonderful resource for when I’m traveling or ill. Thank you.

  2. Rodney Pumas says:

    Here’s another one:
    [url=]Cathedral Church of the Advent Sunday Morning Sermon Podcast[/url]

    Also available live at 9am Central Time via [url=]this link[/url]

  3. The_Elves says:

    Thank you sophy0075 and Rodney Pumas

  4. Karen B. says:

    Here are links to Anglican Advent resources for 2013, from my [url=]latest post at Lent & Beyond:[/url]

    [blockquote]Here are some updated links to specifically ANGLICAN Advent resources for 2013. We’ll keep updating this list as we come across additional resources. For other recommended Advent Resources, Anglican and non-Anglican, check out our Advent Resources category:


    Anglican Mainstream: Daily Advent Meditations

    Trinity School for Ministry: Daily Advent Devotionals for 2013

    The Cradle of PrayerAdvent week 1: Daily Morning and Evening Prayer services from the 1928 BCP read online

    Prydain blog: Advent 2013 Readings from Church Fathers and other spiritual classics, and oratorios from the Messiah.

    Angliverse: Advent poems

    Locusts and Wild Honey: Daily Advent devotionals

    TitusOneNine: Advent entries

    Give us this Day: Daily reflections on the Scriptures by the Rev. Charles Erlandson[/blockquote]

  5. Karen B. says:

    We posted nearly 30 Advent entries at Lent & Beyond last week.
    Here’s an index of them all.

    Here’s our Advent category:

  6. art says:

    What a gem our Good Lord has given us in Prof Lennox! Again and again I have found his sheer erudition and humility awesome. May we all get up close and personal with the God in whom he believes, disavowing any form of scepticism. Thomas says it best, Jn 20:28, “My Lord and my God!”

  7. Karen B. says:

    Here is the Advent “menu” entry at Lent & Beyond for 2014:

    Here is a list of great websites & blogs with Advent devotionals and prayers – the vast majority are Anglican sites:

    You’ll find all our Advent 2014 entries here:

    A blessed Advent to all.