(Telegraph) Archbishop Justin Welby's 8,400-mile flying detour to stave off Anglican schism

Lambeth Palace said last week that, although he had been invited, the Most Rev Justin Welby, could not attend the meeting, organised by the powerful Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA), who claim to represent around 40 million churchgoers around the world, in person but would address them by video link.

He is due to be in Iceland for an international church leaders’ gathering which had long been planned.

But, in a move seen as an olive branch to the traditionalists, it has now emerged that he is to make a detour to Kenya on his way to Iceland to meet the group’s leaders before the summit begins ”“ adding more than 8,400 miles to his journey.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, --Justin Welby, Africa, Archbishop of Canterbury, GAFCON II 2013, Global South Churches & Primates, Kenya

7 comments on “(Telegraph) Archbishop Justin Welby's 8,400-mile flying detour to stave off Anglican schism

  1. Paul PA says:

    It’s the end of the year – not many more points needed for the next level with his airline miles?

  2. Cennydd13 says:

    He ‘s [i]really[/i] saying that he can make it after all……sort of an afterthought, by the looks of it.

  3. Cennydd13 says:

    What [i]good[/i] it’ll do is highly debatable, however. If he doesn’t agree to make some real concessions, however, his efforts will be for naught, in my not-so-humble opinion.

  4. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Veneer, not solid. No doubt his handlers thought it best to appease by appearance. This is Rowanesque farce, not substance. Lambeth and colonialistic inadabalism.

  5. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    What’s up with Welby’s sudden scramble for Africa?

    Will he be a reconciliation bore and go with the message from Planet Zog he recently sent to Toronto, or will he leave it and his over-eager puppy David Porter at home?

    Then again, perhaps he wants to sign the Jerusalem Declaration, do you think?

  6. Katherine says:

    “Then again, perhaps he wants to sign the Jerusalem Declaration, do you think?” With God, all things are possible!

  7. Cennydd13 says:

    6. And [i]what[/i], Katherine……make Mrs Schori angry?[/i] Heavens, [i]NO![/i]