Friday Afternoon Current Anglican leader Quiz

“It must be heaven to be married to him, isn’t it?’

[His wife] replied, “It’s more like hell, actually.”

About which prominent Anglican leader is this recently recorded as having been said?

No peaking, googling, phoning a friend, etc.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal

5 comments on “Friday Afternoon Current Anglican leader Quiz

  1. cssadmirer says:

    Rowan Williams?

  2. Kendall Harmon says:

    Not correct, sorry.

  3. ORNurseDude says:

    Robert Duncan?
    (And because confession is good for the soul, I am compelled to confess that I utterly disregarded your mandate and promptly Googled your quotes. The first hit gave me this blog posting; the other quadrillion had nothing to do with the Anglican world).

  4. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Archbishop Cranmer’s wife’s quote I suppose, given that he reputedly shipped her to England in a box.

  5. Dan Crawford says:

    N.T. Wright as described by his wife in the latest issue of CT.