A Prayer to Begin the Day from Gregory Nazianzen

O God, by whose command the order of time runs its course: Forgive, we pray thee, the impatience of our hearts; make perfect that which is lacking in our faith; and, while we tarry the fulfillment of thy promises, grant us to have a good hope because of thy word; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, Advent, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Spirituality/Prayer

One comment on “A Prayer to Begin the Day from Gregory Nazianzen

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Thanks, Kendall. Nice prayer.

    There is a reason why St. Gregory of Nanzianzus is known by eastern Christians as simply “The Theologian.” That is, the foremost of theologians.

    But I couldn’t help noticing the time stamp. You posted several entries today before 5 am. Wow. Your Sundays start really early.
