Bp Mouneer Anis: A Personal Reflection on the 2016 Primates’ Meeting

I must confess that as the time neared for the Primates’ Meeting, I became worried and anxious. The reason for this is that I am convinced that the Anglican Communion is God’s gift and value very much the unity among provinces. And yet I was torn because the unity I value should not be at the expense of the truth. After a lot of prayer, and because of the prayer of many of our friends, I found an outstanding Peace. The Lord spoke to me and reminded me that He is the head of the Church, not me. He has promised that even the gates of Hades will not overcome His Church. I went to Canterbury with this Peace filling my heart, not knowing what was going to happen, but trusting the true head of the Church to enable us to continue to be faithful to Him.

As I reflect now on the Meeting, I have come to the following points…

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Primates, Primates Gathering in Canterbury January 2016

One comment on “Bp Mouneer Anis: A Personal Reflection on the 2016 Primates’ Meeting

  1. Tory says:

    Thankyou Archbishop Anis. It is a very enlightening report which merits serious consideration and resolve, especially point IV.