8 teens charged with beating girl so they could videotape the attack for YouTube

Eight teenagers have been arrested on charges alleging they beat another teen in an “animalistic attack” so they could make a videotape to post on YouTube.

Seven of them remained in juvenile detention today, authorities said. A boy who was charged as an adult had been released on bail.

Victoria Lindsay was attacked on March 30 by six teenage girls when she arrived at a friend’s home, authorities said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Violence

10 comments on “8 teens charged with beating girl so they could videotape the attack for YouTube

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    “He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling.”
    – William Golding, Lord of the Flies

  2. Cennydd says:

    Psychiatric counselling for these perps? Sure, but based on the evidence against them, this was a vicious premeditated attack, and the judge needs to “throw the book at them.”

  3. Mike L says:

    Just what is with the recent trend of providing the video evidence of the crimes you are about to commit?

  4. Franz says:

    It’s a good thing that vicious, violent people are often a bit stupid, too. (It’s makes things a little easier for the prosecutor).

  5. Albany* says:

    Now the important thing to remember, we will surely be told, is that “this is nothing new” — “it’s always been like this.” MY you know what! We are witnessing complete cultural de-evolution. And it’s starting with the youngest, whom we’ve neglected in every meaningful sense. Savage brutality. And it is important for the feminist to note — girls.

  6. Ross says:

    I was disturbed to see that the news story linked to by “Read it all” actually has the video, or some of it. I chose not to watch it, because I really don’t need that in my head; but is it really a good idea to give these girls the notoriety they were apparently looking for by making their video publicly available?

  7. Albany* says:

    #6 I think it’s important for a culture in denial to see it. “A picture is worth….”

  8. azusa says:

    I hope someone will send an open letter on the internet to the leaders of ‘Changing Attitude’ in England asking them to condemn this.
    and oppression in Darfur.
    and Tibet.
    and, well, anywhere really.

  9. Larry Morse says:

    Why are any of you surprised at this telegenic event/ It is wholly predictable. See the Newsweek of three weeks ago, on the Millenium generation and its obsession with putting itself on exhibit. This Youtube
    artistry will make such undertakings more popular, and we shall therefore see more of the same ilk. The narcissism that makes Youtubeatrocities eminently viewable is quite capable of a good deal more since the very excessiveness is the reward that such narcissism hungers for. Larry

  10. Albany* says:

    The narcissism starts with the parents’ ego about their kids, is reinforced by the standardless-affirmation culture at the schools, and finished off by the religious neglect which might teach something about humility.

    They live in a Deal/No Deal world.