A BBC Radio Four Audio Report: Obama and the black Christian vote

The race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to be the Democrat nominee for the US presidential election seems to have gone negative, with each team attempting to exploit the opposing candidate’s alleged flaws and weaknesses. The furore over Senator Clinton’s “exaggeration” of her war experiences in Bosnia has rivalled fierce criticism of Senator Obama, for failing to leave his Chicago church over the pastor, Jeremiah Wright’s, controversial sermons.

African-American churchgoers have largely rallied to defend Obama’s handling of the affair, but as Matthew Wells reports from New York, many black leaders remain firmly inside the Clinton camp.

Listen to it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Religion & Culture, US Presidential Election 2008

One comment on “A BBC Radio Four Audio Report: Obama and the black Christian vote

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    After Obama’s latest gaffe where he condescended to rural Christians, he’s going to need every black Christian he can get.