On the subject of the pastoral care of marriage and the family, the Holy Father encouraged the prelates “to redouble their efforts so as to ensure that everyone, and especially the young, gains a better understanding of – and feels ever more attracted by – the beauty of the true values of marriage and the family. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage and offer the appropriate means so that families can exercise their responsibilities, and their fundamental right to a religious and moral education for their children”.
The Pope spoke of his joy at realising “the generosity with which the Church in your beloved nation is committed to serving the poorest and the most disadvantaged, for which she receives the appreciation and recognition of all the Cuban people. I give you my heartfelt encouragement to continue bringing a visible sign of God’s love to those in need, the sick, the elderly and the imprisoned”.
Benedict XVI concluded by expressing the hope that the forthcoming beatification of Servant of God Fr. Jose Olallo Valdes “may give fresh impulse to your service to the Church and the people of Cuba, always being a leavening for reconciliation, justice and peace”.
Quite a contrast to what recent ECUSA leaders have said in Cuba.