Canadian Lutheran Same Sex Unions Motion receives 181 votes in favour and 200 votes in opposition

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Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Lutheran, Other Churches, Sexuality Debate (Other denominations and faiths)

10 comments on “Canadian Lutheran Same Sex Unions Motion receives 181 votes in favour and 200 votes in opposition

  1. Eric Swensson says:

    Canadians are showing more sense, both Lutheran and Anglican.

  2. Deja Vu says:

    The motion was voted on by secret ballot during the afternoon session on the third day of convention. The motion received 181 votes in favour and 200 votes in opposition.

    Are the votes in TEC and Canadian Anglican also secret ballot?

  3. Br. Michael says:

    However, the closeness of the vote shows that it will eventually pass. Those in favor will never give up.

  4. Brian of Maryland says:

    Br. Michael,

    And even before it eventually passes, you have to wonder what’s being taught to children in the congregations those 181 votes represents.

    MD Brian

  5. Eric Swensson says:

    Friends, if there is one thing we know it is that we don’t know what is going to happen. I usually do not say such hopeful stuff about these things, but I was watching CNN today and they were reporting that CDC is saying that only 2% of population they surveyed reported they were homosexual (both male and female respondants). It could be that people have a shift in attitudes and begin to wake up and smell the con job.

  6. Ross says:

    #5 Eric Swensson:

    I’m not sure of the point you’re trying to make… the 2% figure doesn’t seem too far out of line with the numbers usually bandied about (something like 3-5% of the population is homosexual, is the usual finding.) Are you suggesting that because people are “waking up and smelling the con job,” they are deciding they’re not gay after all?

    Regardless, if blessing SSUs or electing openly-gay bishops depended upon the votes of actual homosexuals, they would never pass and reasserters could rest easy at night. Even the Kinseys never claimed more than 10% of the population was gay, and 10% by itself won’t carry an election.

    The reason these things are passing, where they do pass, or even getting on the ballots at all, is due to the votes of many of us who are straight but who support the acknowledgement of homosexuality as non-sinful. And our position has little to do with whether homosexuals are 5% of the population or 2%.

  7. Brian of Maryland says:

    “The reason these things are passing, where they do pass, or even getting on the ballots at all, is due to the votes of many of us who are straight but who support the acknowledgement of homosexuality as non-sinful.”

    Well Duh … And the reason all mainlines in the US are coming apart is because of this new teaching.

    MD Brian

  8. Eric Swensson says:

    Well, Ross, I guess I was thinking that the reason those who support homosexuality as non-sinful do so becasue they were persuaded by an emotional argument (since Scripture, tradition, reason does not support it) that perhaps your emotions might change somehow.

  9. Steven says:

    It is probably worth noting that these “Canadian Lutherans” are those of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, which would be a sister church of the ELCA (whose predecessors these Canadians were once part of), members of the Lutheran World Federation, and in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.

    There is also the Lutheran Church – Canada, which is a daughter/sister church of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

  10. Enda says:

    #6 Ross, it seems your position has little to do with anything, especially truth. Unnatural sex is just that. Dangerous and should not be a part of friendship. Nor should normal sexual expression be outside of marriage. And marriage is a sacrament of the Church, a sacred event, not changeable because someone feels that they “must do it.”