Boston Globe: Gas cost clouds holiday weekend

Motorists face record gasoline prices as the summer driving season kicks off this weekend, but those willing to spend close to $4 a gallon to leave town may enjoy at least one benefit: less holiday traffic.

The American Automobile Association expects record gas prices and an uncertain economy to reduce the number of people traveling over the Memorial Day weekend for the first time since 2002, when fresh memories of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks kept Americans close to home, said Art Kinsman, spokesman for AAA of Southern New England.

In the Northeast, AAA projects holiday travel will fall 3 percent from a year ago, and travel should slip about 1 percent nationally.

“It’s been climbing steadily for the past several years,” Kinsman said, “but we’ve finally reached the point where gas prices are affecting people’s decision to drive long distances.”

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Posted in * Economics, Politics, Energy, Natural Resources

One comment on “Boston Globe: Gas cost clouds holiday weekend

  1. RichardKew says:

    This morning on my way to work in Cambridge, England, I filled up my car. I paid 113.9 pence per liter which translates to $8.50 per US Gallon, $10.20 per UK Gallon. Oh, for $4.00 a gallon gasoline!