Incredibly, the Cubs win Again

After 11 innings–rah!

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Sports

8 comments on “Incredibly, the Cubs win Again

  1. Payton says:

    Ah, but the season is still young. There’s plenty of time left for the Cubbies to choke, and the Cardinals to win it all. Life as it should be.

  2. Bishop Daniel Martins says:

    Eamus Catuli!

  3. Payton says:

    And what is the Anno Catuli (AC) up to now, Father?
    Know that you are blessed!
    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

  4. Watcher On The Wall says:

    Seattle is at the bottom of the league STILL! They just fired their pitching coach.
    It is great to see the Cubs in 1st place, though. I hope they can carry it through.

  5. Fr. Greg says:

    And Atlanta loses – AGAIN – and is under .500, while the Yanks are third in their division, right at .500. Life is good.

  6. Summersnow says:

    It was a good game, very good. But poor Ron Santo–I don’t expect that he will have much of a voice left if this keeps up.

  7. IchabodKunkleberry says:

    Being a south sider – and a White Sox fan – my “bah” more than cancels your “rah” !

  8. GSP98 says:

    Not having a dog in this fight, I can tell you that the Cubbies are probably the class of the NL Central, and for this simple reason-they’ve got the horses [a bad break with Soriano, though it came at the same time the Cards lost Pujols]. It looks like the veteran leadership of Piniella is helping as well. Meanwhile, things are looking real good for the southsiders for the same reason-they’ve got the horses, and they’re playing up to their potential for the most part.

    As a transplanted easterner, I root for the Phils & Mariners, which are going in opposite directions this season.