UMNS–Soggy Illinois struggles under more flooding

United Methodist disaster response teams from Illinois were assessing needs after major flooding in the state’s southeastern counties.

The June 10 flooding led to more problems as the water system for the town of Lawrenceville, with 4,600 residents, stopped working the next day, according to The Associated Press. Some 200 residents evacuated after levee breaks and could not return home because of flooded roads.

The latest heavy rains arrived after two floods hit the Pontiac and Watseka area in February, while two March floods hit the southern part of the United Methodist Illinois Great Rivers Annual (regional) Conference. Both regions received a $10,000 grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief at the request of Bishop Sharon Brown Christopher.

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Posted in * General Interest, * Religion News & Commentary, Methodist, Other Churches

One comment on “UMNS–Soggy Illinois struggles under more flooding

  1. Christopher Johnson says:

    I keep wondering when the Mississippi’s going to start back up in a big way. That river’s got a big channel and we’ve got a lot of wiggle room so I don’t think a repeat of 1993 is in the offing around here. But let’s all pray for Iowa.