AP: Anglican Bible conservatives hold strategy summit

In recent decades, as membership dwindled in liberal-leaning European and North American churches, the rolls of Global South churches, as they are known, expanded dramatically. The majority of Anglicans now live in developing countries and are scandalized by Northern views of Scripture.

The leadership of the conservative summit comes mainly from these provinces.

The top organizers are Orombi, along with the archbishops ”” called primates ”” of the Anglican churches of Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and the Southern Cone based in Argentina. U.S. conservatives, a minority within the Episcopal Church, and British Anglicans also are playing important roles.

“There is an air of certainty and clarity among the bishops going to GAFCON, which stifles debate and openness to those of other views,” said Mark D. Chapman, lecturer in systematic theology at Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxford, England. “This would change the soul of Anglicanism as an inclusive and tolerant church that is able to live with difference.”

But Bishop Martyn Minns, head of the conservative Convocation of Anglicans in North America, said orthodox Anglicans are the ones being shut out.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Global South Churches & Primates, Middle East

10 comments on “AP: Anglican Bible conservatives hold strategy summit

  1. Br. Michael says:

    Well this is not true: “This would change the soul of Anglicanism as an inclusive and tolerant church that is able to live with difference.”

    But if it were then this change would be a good thing. If you don’t want to be a Christian fine, no one will make you.

  2. Cennydd says:

    I object to +O’Neill’s presence as Schori’s “representative,” and for the simple reason that neither of them was invited to attend and participate. While his presence at the conference probably won’t make an impact as far as his physical presence is concerned, the very idea that he is there at all means that Schori intends to stick her nose in where it’s not at all welcome.

  3. New Reformation Advocate says:

    #2, Cennydd,

    +Robert O’Neill may hang around the outskirts, but I’m sure he won’t be allowed into the actual meeting sessions. There is no attempt at dialogue here or facilitating communication. And I don’t think that +O’Neill is really functioning as a spy either; he has no cover and GAFCon is a pretty open event, held out in plain sight for the world to see. It’s all about presenting a certain (false) public image of openness to ongoing dialogue. And it may be intended as an intimidating reminder for US conservative churches not to join this growing movement–or else suffer the fate of Don Armstrong+ and his big church in Colorado Springs etc. I mean, of all the lousy bishops to send on a sensitive diplomatic mission (if it really were that), the nefarious, underhanded, authoritarian Bishop of Colorado is one of the least irenic possible choices the PB could have made.

    I have no doubt that GAFCon will prove far more significant in the end that the non-event that is planned as Lambeth 2008. As the real event on which the future of Anglicanism depends starts today in Jordan, let us pray for the noble and visionary orthodox Anglican leaders gathered in Amman for the next few days.

    FWIW, this AP article strikes me as being unusually well-balanced and objective for a major media outlet.

    Hip, hip, hooray for the leaders of GAFCon. Bravo. Onward with the New Reformation. The Old Anglicaznism is withering and dying. The New Anglicanism is just starting to rise and will soon displace it. The best days for orthodox Anglicanism are yet to come.

    “Let goods and kindred go…”

    David Handy+

  4. Eugene says:

    I am glad that someone from TEC is there: that way the leaders of TEC can hear things first hand and not through the “right” or “left” press. I am surprised at +Minns claim that it is insulting to have TEC leaders there. Secret and closed meetings are for the sects and cults, not the Christians.

  5. Cennydd says:

    True enough, Eugene, but TEC’s own press usually puts their own twist on everything we do in order to criticize us for having the temerity to criticize what THEY (TEC) do. They’re not going to be able to run things at GAFCON (even though I’m sure they’d like to be able to), and this irks them.

    Sorry, Kate, but you won’t have a voice there!

  6. TLDillon says:

    TEc is there so that they can learn what it is they can learn so they can come back and strategize against what GAFCON is doing and what will be printed in the media afterwards. The best of leaders know that you keep your allies close but yu keep your enemies closer. The only way TEC can get closer to their “enemy” (only a metaphor for lack ofa better word at present), is to go where theyare meeting. They do it. I’ve witnessed ti in two meetings I have attended and watched them come, take notes, then a few weeks afterwards BAM! Trouble has hit!

  7. Cennydd says:

    TEC’s strategy is to tell lies often enough so that eventually, people will believe them…..and they believe their OWN lies. And you can be sure that they’ll put their own spin on what happens at GAFCON, and they’ll try to use it to their advantage.

    There is nothing they won’t do to gain an edge……however slight that edge might be…..and they’ll use it to their advantage every chance they get. The trick is not to GIVE them a chance!

  8. GSP98 says:

    ODC-no, “enemy” is the proper word, no need to apologize.

  9. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I love the opening headline: “Anglican Bible conservatives”

    That pretty much tells the slant of this article from square one. In a short article, the author uses the adjective “conservative” 10 times and the word liberal twice, but then only as “liberalism” and “liberal-leaning.”

  10. William P. Sulik says:

    Eugene, #4, in fairness to Bp. Minns, we have no idea what he said. All the AP story offers is two isolated words in the midst of a story and then the snippet of a quote:
    [blockquote]Minns said it was “insulting” that Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is sending a representative, Colorado Bishop Robert O’Neill, to be her “eyes and ears” at the Jerusalem events. The invitation-only summit will focus on joint ministries, relations with Muslims, training clergy and fighting poverty.

    “We need to stop reacting to the latest American ideas and get along with the business of the Gospel,” Minns said. [/blockquote]

    Cue Larry Norman:

    [blockquote][i]Reporters question me: is this a new direction for the young?
    How lamb-like their faces, how snake-like their tongues.
    They quote me perfectly then rewrite every word I speak.
    And go away convinced we are some new kind of freak.
    I feel so good it doesn’t matter what they say,
    I hope tomorrow they have a better day.
    We’re all so trapped, we need release,
    We need your strong love and strange peace. [/i][/blockquote]