Church of England Newspaper: Gafcon ”˜will set the future for the Church’

Gafcon, the Global Anglican Future Conference, will work towards shaping an “Anglican future in which the Gospel is uncompromised and Christ-centred mission [is] a top priority,” Dr Jensen, the chairman of the conference’s programme committee, said. He denied charges the conference was a shadow Lambeth Conference, saying the delegates meeting at the Renaissance Hotel near Israel’s Knesset in West Jerusalem were not going to “ape” Lambeth. “This is a conference about he future and we’ve deliberately invited lay people, clergy and others” to ask what it means “to be Anglican,” he said. “How can we best serve God, how can we honour his word and how can we best make his message known? They’re the big themes we’ll be looking at,” Dr Jensen said.

However, Dr Jensen, along with bishops from amongst the largest provinces of the Communion: Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, will boycott the Lambeth Conference, attending Gafcon in its place. “We have made other plans to travel to Jerusalem [instead of Lambeth] to reflect on how best we can do the work of the Lord,” Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi of Kenya explained last week, citing conservative disquiet with its agenda and guest list.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, - Anglican: Latest News, Global South Churches & Primates, Middle East

One comment on “Church of England Newspaper: Gafcon ”˜will set the future for the Church’

  1. Observing says:

    I saw this prophesy from 1996 was re-posted last week:

    In summary, a church civil war. North vs South. The black church will provide the victory.
    [blockquote] However, I do not believe that this one can now be stopped, or that the Lord wants it stopped. This battle must be fought. It is an opportunity to drive the accuser out of the church, and for the church then to come into a unity that would otherwise be impossible. Like the cross, the very thing which Satan thinks will destroy his enemy is the very thing that will cause his own defeat. Regardless of how bad it looks for a time, remember that when the great darkness came upon the world on the evening that Jesus was crucified, the greatest light of all followed it—the resurrection. [/blockquote]

    [blockquote] We must never forget that the unity of the church is one of the most important issues with the Lord. This was one of His own most pressing prayers on the night before He laid down His life for the church. However, He also prayed that night for us to be “sanctified in truth” (see John 17:17). He gave His life to set us free from the yokes of the evil one. The unity He prayed for was based on truth, not just political expediency, or compromises fashioned in order to keep the peace at any cost. Peace at the cost of truth, or the liberty of the Spirit, is a yoke of bondage that will only lead to even greater division. Just as the very leaders who seemed to be bringing the greatest division to the nation were the only ones with the vision and resolve to really save it, the same will be true in what is coming upon the church.

    [blockquote] Some of the most noble souls in the American Civil War caused multitudes of unnecessary deaths, and greatly prolonged the war, by fighting for the wrong side. They fought for the wrong side because their allegiance was based more on territory than principle. Robert E. Lee claimed to not believe in what the South was fighting for, but said that he could not take up arms against his native Virginia. How much could the war have been shortened, how many lives could have been saved, and how much less devastation would there have been, if he had chosen sides based on principle rather than territory? Unfortunately, the same will be true of the impending spiritual civil war. Those who have more allegiance to a position, or an organization, rather than to genuine spiritual principles will likewise end up fighting on the wrong side, even though they may be able to justify it a thousand ways. These, too, will cause many unnecessary casualties.

    [blockquote] Few today realize that near the end of the war almost one third of the Union troops were black. Some historians have rightly stated that because of the widespread anti-war movements in the North, the Union probably could not have won without them. When leaders of the Christian forces of Union determine to fight for the essential principles of liberty and truth, the black church will arise to fight, and they will be the primary forces to bring about the ultimate victory.

    [blockquote] As the spiritual civil war starts to unfold, we, too, must always remember that we are not warring with flesh and blood, but we are actually fighting for the liberation of the very ones we may be in conflict with. Lincoln’s vision of unity included the South as a part of the Union, and to consider them anything other than Americans was to contradict his basic vision of preserving the Union. Regardless of how deceived someone may be, if they have embraced the cross of Jesus Christ, they are our brothers, and the very ones our Savior gave His life to save. We are not fighting against people, but the forces that deceive and bind them. [/blockquote]