Bishop Robert Forsyth: The Pointy End of GAFCON

GAFCON consists of Anglicans from very different churchmanship and theological and liturgical styles.

And yet already some common themes are emerging.

There is a common horror of the extent that some churches in the Communion have wandered from not simply Anglican, but Christian truth and discipline.

There is the conviction that GAFCON must not be a conference, but the beginning of something that will continue on. And that whatever ”˜this’ is that continues, it will aim to renew and restore Anglican churches throughout the world to Biblical and apostolic goals.

There is a common enthusiasm for the central authority of Scripture in our churches, and the classic Anglican formularies like the Articles of Religion and the Creeds.

And, most wonderfully, there is a refusal to countenance bitterness of spirit or self-righteousness in relation to the rest of the Communion. I think that we are aware of the great danger that faces every reform and renewal movement in the church, of becoming factious and self-serving, judgmental. I pray that the tone of this conference will be the tone of the movement is emerging, whatever form it takes.

Tomorrow (Friday) the first draft of the crucial conference will be released for discussion.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, GAFCON I 2008, Global South Churches & Primates

3 comments on “Bishop Robert Forsyth: The Pointy End of GAFCON

  1. AnglicanFirst says:

    “The group with most to ask for from GAFCON are those, like many in the USA and Canada, who are fighting for their lives in the face of hostile and persecuting church authorities. They face the threats of the loss of property and even more importantly, of Anglican legitimacy.”

    Those of you at CAFCon, please either make it possible for us to have a separate orthodox Anglican primacy for North America or give us strong and active support and authority with which to conduct a ‘top to bottom’ REFORMATION of ECUSA and the ACiC.

  2. Cennydd says:

    I would much rather have a new Anglican province, and I will have nothing to do with merely reforming TEC.

  3. archangelica says:

    “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9)