New Vision: Anglican church splits over homosexuals

The Christian leaders declared that they would remain in the Anglican Communion, but be independent of Canterbury, the seat of Anglicanism currently under the leadership of Dr. Rowan Williams.

“Our fellowship is not breaking away from the Anglican Communion. We, together with many other faithful Anglicans throughout the world, believe in the doctrinal foundation of Anglicanism. We intend to remain faithful to this standard and we call on others in the Communion to reaffirm and return to it,” they declared.

The conference, which ended yesterday, was aimed at deliberating on the crisis that had divided the Anglican Communion. It brought together over 1,140 lay and clergy, including 291 bishops representing millions of faithful Anglican Christians, mainly from developing nations. A total of 107 delegates represented Uganda.

The Conference adopted the 14-point Jerusalem Declaration to offer future guidance to the movement.

The meeting called for the formation of another Anglican Province in North America. This would include the 44 churches in the US, which are now part of the Church of Uganda.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Africa, GAFCON I 2008, Global South Churches & Primates, Uganda

One comment on “New Vision: Anglican church splits over homosexuals

  1. Adam 12 says:

    Sexuality is the presenting issue, but the more I have stepped back from things the more I am coming to think that pride is what this is all about. GAFCON is a reaction to people “doing church” my way…and a “my way or the highway” attitude toward traditionalists. C.S. Lewis says that pride is the most serious of sins, because in it we make ourselves and our thoughts into gods and give God no room to work. In my view, the headline should have read: Anglican Church splits over Pride. May God grant us all true humility as we seek to serve Him.