GAFCON Roundup (*sticky*)

[color=red]last updated: 3 July 2008, 12:30 GMT (8:30 a.m. Eastern)[/color]
What’s new: Response from +Hiltz of Canada, new GLOBAL petition to indicate your support of GAFCON, long commentary on GAFCON from Forward in Faith, etc…

Now that the responses to GAFCON are coming in fast and furious, we thought it would be helpful to create a roundup post to track them. As always, feel free to post comments that include links to articles and statements of interest.

[b]New entries July 2 & 3:[/b] (apologies these are in no particular order… it’s a busy day)

A NEW GLOBAL Petition in support of GAFCON:

++Hiltz (Primate of Canada)

+Chane (Dio. Washington)

+Benn (Lewes, UK)

CANA Bishop David Bena writes his clergy about GAFCON

Forward in Faith: Letter from Jerusalem

Bp. Kirk Smith of Arizona (See “A Final Thought”)

Alister McGrath

Chris Sugden

Kevin Kallsen of Anglican TV reflects on GAFCON

GAFCON Report by Canon Bill Gandenberger (Dio. San Joaquin)

Church of England GAFCON Briefing (one of the Melbourne GAFCON bloggers)

Church Times blog (July 1): GAFCON Primates in London

A summary of GAFCON designed for parish newsletters (Produced by the Chelmsford branch of Anglican Mainstream, note this is primarily geared to CoE parishes)

New materials at Anglican TV:
GAFCON: The Post Gafcon London Meeting
GAFCON Archbishop Venables delivers closing sermon
GAFCON-Final-Press-ConferenceGAFCON: Final Press Conference

— end of new July 3 links —


I. GAFCON Communique and other important Conference Materials (see also section VI. below for more conference materials)

The GAFCON Communique — full text and primary T19 discussion thread.
— the SF Discussion Thread on the Communique.

GAFCON Final Press Briefing (audio)

GAFCON Final Press Release
SF Discussion thread

Jerusalem Declaration Acceptance Statement (Matt Kennedy’s liveblog)

The Offical GAFCON website is here.


II. International Response and Commentary

Archbishop Rowan Williams Response
SF Discussion thread

Bishop NT Wright’s Response

Bp. Allan Ewing (Canberra)

Abp. Peter Jensen (Sydney)

Bp. Robert Forsyth (South Sydney)

Modern Churchpeople’s Union

Bp. Tom Butler (Southwark)

++Philip Aspinall, Primate of Australia

Inclusive Church

Anglican Church League, Sydney


III. US Response and Commentary

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s Response

Bishop Iker’s (Fort Worth) Response

Canon Neal Michell (Diocese of Dallas) Response

Dr. Leander Harding

Bishop Mark Lawrence of South Carolina: Understanding the Times (pre-GAFCON)


IV. Bloggers and Various other Commentary

The GAFCON links post which we elves had posted during most of the GAFCON conference — links to all those who were blogging from Jerusalem

Matt Kennedy: The Anglican Communion Must Change or Die

Greg Griffith: Finally, Into the Breach? The Global Anglican Future Begins

Fr. Dan Martins: A First Take on the Jerusalem Declaration

The Ugley Vicar: Can GAFCON really help us in England?

Graham Kings: On the GAFCON Final Statement: Encouragements and Serious Questions

Christopher Seitz on the GAFCON Communique’

Brad Drell: What The Gafcon Statement Means For Western Louisiana

Bobby J. Kennedy: GAFCON: What’s in it for me? (Another view from Western Louisiana)

Fr. Lee Nelson (Fort Worth, GAFCON attendee): My Thoughts on the Jerusalem Declaration and the GAFCON Statement

Tony Payne (Sydney, GAFCON attendee): GAFCON final day: Making a Statement!

Dr. Karin Sowada (Sydney, GAFCON attendee): Singing Bishops and Firm Words

REFORM Ireland (GAFCON attendee): Moving Forward

The Rev. Grant LeMarquand (Trinity Seminary, Ambridge)

Cherie Wetzel (Anglicans United, Dallas, GAFCON attendee)

Tony Clavier: GAFCON and Voluntary Groups

Chris Watson Lee: GAFCON Roundup

V. Mainstream Media Reports

Timothy Morgan: Misunderstanding GAFCON (Christianity Today)

Travis Kavulla: Remaking Anglicanism (National Review)

Time: An Anglican Schism Headed for US?

Telegraph July 1 (coverage of All Souls Langham Place, comments by ++Jensen and ++Orombi)

NPR: All Things Considered, June 30, Barbara Bradley Hagerty (Comments by ++Venables, Naughton, +Minns, +VGR)


VI. Miscellaneous Conference Materials

Matt Kennedy’s blog entry listing TEC Bishops and Anglican Primates in attendance at GAFCON

Given at GAFCON 2008

Notes on Dr. Os Guiness’ talk at GAFCON

The full Transcript of Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali’s GAFCON Talk
GAFCON Day 3: Live Blog of +Nazr-Ali Remarks to General Assembly

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali on authentic Anglicanism

Dr. Mark Thompson: “Just what is the Bible?” (GAFCON Scripture workshop)

Archbishop Henry Orombi of Uganda Interviewed at Gafcon by BBC’s Today Programme
Live Blog: Archbishop Henry Orombi’s Sermon at the Opening Eucharist

GAFCON: Live Blog of Day 1 Press Conference

GAFCON ”“ A Rescue Mission: Archbishop Peter Akinola’s opening address
GAFCON: Transcript of Archbishop Akinola’s Opening Address

Bp Bob Duncan: Anglicanism Come of Age: A Post-Colonial and Global Communion for the 21st Century
SF Discussion thread

GAFCON: ”˜The Way, the Truth and the Life’ Publication [PDF Document]
T19 thread
SF Discussion

VII. All Souls Langham Place London Post-Gafcon meeting
1. Presentation by ++Orombi
2. Presentation by ++Venables
3. Interview with JI Packer
4. Panel Discussion
5. Apb. Peter Jensen Presentation
6. Petition to declare support of GAFCON for CoE members (COE members only!)

VIII: Additional Anglican TV videos:
GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration Video
GAFCON Behind the scenes briefing
GAFCON Interview with Archbishop Venables
Anglican Report with Archbishop Orombi

[color=red]last updated: 3 July 2008, 12:30 GMT (8:30 am Eastern)[/color]

Posted in * Admin, * Anglican - Episcopal, - Anglican: Primary Source, -- Reports & Communiques, -- Statements & Letters: Bishops, Featured (Sticky), GAFCON I 2008, Global South Churches & Primates

30 comments on “GAFCON Roundup (*sticky*)

  1. The_Elves says:

    Ruth Gledhill has posted at her blog a response by Washington Bishop +John Chane to ++Rowan Williams’ Statement on GAFCON. I’ve not yet included it above because I was looking for an official link on the Dio. Washington blog. But in the meantime, here is +Chane’s comment as reported by Gledhill:

    [blockquote]Bishop Chane tells The Times in response:

    “The archbishop’s thoughtful letter is helpful, and his defense of the Communion’s structures is persuasive. I am particularly grateful to hear him say that “the conviction of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as Lord and God and the absolute imperative of evangelism are not in dispute in the common life of the Communion.” This slanderous bit of boilerplate has been repeated frequently by the opponents of the Episcopal Church, and it is heartening to know that the archbishop realizes that it false.

    ‘I am quite concerned however that Archbishop Williams seems not to understand that there are primates, bishops, and others in the Communion who are actively seeking to undermine his office. He says that we should not “input selfish or malicious motives to those who have offered pastoral oversight to congregations in other provinces.” But there is no doubt that extending such oversight is an effort to foment discord, and punish those who argue on behalf of the full inclusion of gays and lesbians in the life of our Communion. Peter Akinola is unwilling to articulate a simple condemnation of violence against homosexuals. What more does he have to do to persuade the archbishop that his views are dangerous, malicious and un-Christian?'[/blockquote]

  2. The_Elves says:

    Wow, looks like we’ve got some serious competion in the GAFCON Roundup department. While browsing through various Google Blog search hits just now, I came across this excellent list of links for GAFCON by Chris Watson Lee. (He has pulled together almost all the transcripts and audio-visual materials from each day of the conference, along with most of the Aussie bloggers’ commentary about GAFCON day by day). Check it out!

  3. Cennydd says:

    The Archbishop of Canterbury needed no one to “undermine his office,” since he has done that quite handily all by himself.

  4. The_Elves says:

    Thanks to a tip:
    CoE blogger “the Ugley Vicar” is liveblogging today’s big Post-GAFON meeting at All Souls Langham Place in London. His reports on ++Orombi’s and ++Venables talks are inspiring and wonderful.

    Here’s the link to his blog:
    [url=]++Orombi’s Talk[/url]
    [url=]++Venables’ Talk[/url]

    Information on the program for today’s event in London is here:

  5. Micky says:

    +Tom Butler of Southwark has responded in an article in the Guardian – “Anglicanism’s militant tendency must be resisted” – [url=]link[/url]

    And the Primate of Australia, +Phillip Aspinall, has given a few thoughts in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald – “Church leader urges rebels to rethink” – [url=]link[/url]

  6. Observing says:

    #5 Micky
    From +Tom Butler
    [blockquote] All I can say is that it was good, thoughtful, hardworking clergy from the evangelical tradition who, a couple of years ago, demanded that I took action against militant tendency evangelicals destructively planting congregations in their parishes [/blockquote]


    I’m starting to see why GAFCON is needed in England…

  7. The_Elves says:

    Some brief comments from the Rev. Grant LeMarquand of Trinity Seminary in Ambridge are posted today at Anglican Mainstream:

  8. The_Elves says:

    Bishop Chane in the Guardian (June 26)

    Note: I expect to update the main post with new links sometime around 6 or 7 p.m. Eastern tonight


  9. The_Elves says:

    Cherie Wetzel (Anglicans United, GAFCON blogger, Diocese of Dallas), Report #7 from GAFCON, here:

  10. The_Elves says:

    More GAFCON videos have been posted today at Anglican TV.

    [url=]GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration Video[/url]
    [url=]GAFCON Behind the scenes briefing[/url]
    [url=]GAFCON Interview with Archbishop Venables[/url]
    [url=]Anglican Report with Archbishop Oromb[/url]i

  11. The_Elves says:

    Anglican Church League (Sydney), President’s statement on GAFCON

  12. The_Elves says:

    Ok, all the links from the comments have now been added to the main post (see the July 1 update section)

    Please continue to post links here in the comments with responses by bishops, clergy, other Anglican leaders or groups. Thanks!

  13. The_Elves says:

    A few more links that will go in tomorrow’s roundup:

    [url=–more-than-I-hoped-for]Kevin Kallsen of Anglican TV reflects on GAFCON[/url]

    [url=]GAFCON Report by Canon Bill Gandenberger (Dio. San Joaquin)[/url]

    [url=]Church of England GAFCON Briefing[/url] (one of the Melbourne GAFCON bloggers)

  14. The_Elves says:

    And yes, a few more links:

    Bp. Kirk Smith of Arizona (See “A Final Thought”)

    Church Times blog (July 1): GAFCON Primates in London

  15. Observing says:

    There is a new petition for organizations in support of GAFCON:
    The petition should be signed by a responsible person, such as the organization Secretary, giving the name of the organization and the date on which the motion shown in the petition was passed.

    I guess that takes a while, so no signatures yet.

  16. John Richardson says:

    Please note, there is now a further petition, thanks to popular demand, for those outside England – that’ll be the rest of you then.

    This is at

    John R

  17. The_Elves says:

    John, thank you so much for the news of the new petition, and also for your extraordinary blogging yesterday. You made yourself a lot of fans in the Anglican blogosphere in the last 24 hours!

  18. The_Elves says:

    Some new links, July 2:
    (note, I may not be able to take the time to update the main post tonight. Some unexpected work commitments are going to keep me working very late. It’s likely I’ll do the next update around 10:00 a.m. GMT / 6 a.m. Eastern tomorrow morning. –elfgirl)

    Various new responses / commentary about GAFCON

    Alister McGrath

    Chris Sugden

    [url=]A summary of GAFCON designed for parish newsletters[/url] (Produced by the Chelmsford branch of Anglican Mainstream, note this is primarily geared to CoE parishes)

  19. The_Elves says:

    [b]Note a plea from the elves[/b]:
    Busyness is going to preclude us spending much time at all doing websearches the next few days. We would GREATLY appreciate our readers doing the work of checking your parish newsletters or websites and diocesan websites, etc., and sending us any statements that are being circulated in your parish or diocese on GAFCON. Thanks very much.

    Our e-mail address:

  20. The_Elves says:

    New materials at Anglican TV:
    [url=]GAFCON: The Post Gafcon London Meeting[/url]
    [url=]GAFCON Archbishop Venables delivers closing sermon[/url]
    [url=]GAFCON-Final-Press-ConferenceGAFCON: Final Press Conference[/url]

    Other responses (all posted as main entries already below)
    [url=]++Hiltz (Primate of Canada)[/url]
    [url=]+Chane (Dio. Washington)[/url]
    [url=]+Benn [/url] (Lewes, UK)

  21. The_Elves says:

    Forward in Faith: [url=]Letter from Jerusalem[/url]

  22. Marion R. says:

    The current dateline reads “last updated: 3 July 2008, 12:30 GMT (8:30 p.m. Eastern) ”

    Are GMT and ET reversed?

    [i]No, just a typo because I was in a rush. It should be 8:30 a.m. Eastern.[/i]

  23. Micky says:

    Whoa! +N.T. Wright of Durham is really not happy:

  24. Graham Kings says:

    Yesterday Fulcrum published:

    1. [url=]’Fulcrum Briefing Paper on GAFCON for Parochial Church Councils'[/url]

    2. [url=]’Fulcrum Response to GAFCON'[/url]

  25. Monksgate says:

    Having read several articles that identify the GAFCON Anglicans as “FOCA” Anglicans (one writer admonishing against snickering), I wonder if a more felicitous acronym can’t be found. What about referring to this group as the Confessing Anglicans’ Fellowship. Its acronym could therefore be CAF Anglicans or, evoking the flavour of a major crop of the “global south”, Cafe Anglicans.

  26. scott+ says:

    Another view of GAFCON:

    [url=] A Report on the Global Anglican Futures Conference in Jerusalem 22-29 July, 2008 [/url] by the Rt. Rev. Paul C. Hewett, SSC Moderator of the Federation of Anglican Churches in the Americas Bishop of the[url=] Diocese of the Holy Cross[/url]

  27. Graham Kings says:

    Yesterday we published on Fulcrum two more articles on GAFCON:

    1. Tom Wright, [url=]‘Further Thoughts on GAFCON and Related Matters’[/url].

    2. Andrew Goddard, [url=]‘The GAFCON Movement and The Anglican Communion’[/url].