An Open Thread on Independence Day 2008

Let us hear your thoughts.

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8 comments on “An Open Thread on Independence Day 2008

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    I found myself thinking of the 3 american hostages freed from Colombian rebels this week after having been in captivity for some five years, and asking what they missed then and what they think they have now.

    I pray in gratitude for being able to stand on the shoulders of all who have gone before, many of whom sacrificed so much for the freedom we now enjoy.

  2. Cennydd says:

    My country is free, and I am proud to have served her…….and I’m proud of my fellow veterans and those who are still serving.

  3. Alice Linsley says:

    I too found myself reflecting on the rescue of those held hostage in Colombia. I posted those thoughts here:

    As a people, we have much to be thankful for but do we have thankful hearts?

  4. Umbridge says:

    We have things so good here that folks forget about the true God and what He has done for us. We rely upon Him less and more on our own selves. Things are getting tight nowadays…and folks will either turn to or turn away from Him. It’s Independence day…it’s a time to reflect upon my freedom.

  5. Umbridge says:

    Also, I placed a post in the Star Spangled Banner thread that was out of place (after a little hindsight). I think it is more appropriate here.
    [url=]Here in America[/url]
    [url=]Calling out your Name[/url]

  6. The Lakeland Two says:

    The Declaration of Independence points out in the list of offences that King George III, et al., was really a rude guy. But how much are we each on that list in a similar vein? Ugh.

    We are privileged to live in this country and have the responsibility to live up to what many gave their lives to create and defend. We do this in many ways, some of them in the very little actions of life: How we treat others and act. When we put others first, our society flourishes. This starts with you and me and works its way up to those we chose to lead us. Make decisions every day that honor others even when they don’t “deserve” it. Courtesy like any art needs practice, and our country is suffering for the lack of it.

    It points out to me that Jesus’ call to us to live the Golden Rule and be a servant to others ripples out in many ways.

  7. RevK says:

    To my fellow veterans, and to all those who has served our country in government, education and as volunteers – thank you.

  8. Jim of Lapeer says:

    My wife and I returned last night (watched fireworks from our Northwest Airlines flight from Minneapolis) from an Alaskan cruise. We have now visited all 50 states from sea to shining sea. The God given beauty and freedom of this nation makes me grateful everyday to be a citizen and veteran.
    We left via Vancouver, and while Canada is a wonderful country and much like our own, it was wonderful to arrive home and even more so on Independence Day.
    God Bless America.

    Jim of Lapeer