Cherie Wetzel, Lambeth #2: How Deep is the Ocean?

How deep is the ocean? How deep is this divide that we must confront in our church?

Last evening one of the bishop’s wives I have contact with expressed regret about her Bible Study group. The wife from another province, known for its approval of and promotion of same-sex blessings, ordinations and consecrations, referred to Jesus as she. The wife said, “I asked Jesus what she thought about it and she said”¦”¦”

The bishop’s wife I know is a devout person with an active prayer life and a great ministry and now has serious doubt about continuing in this assigned group.

How deep is the ocean? How deep is this divide that we must confront in our church?

This afternoon, we spoke with a bishop’s wife from Australia. When asked where she was from, she said, “between Sydney and Melbourne.”

Fr. Wetzel asked if she was more inclined towards Sydney or Melbourne spiritually, her reply was a sharp rebuke against Sydney as being some kind of fundamentalists who want to complete the Reformation. She has nothing to do with anyone from Sydney. It was a final and pointed dismissal.

How deep is the ocean? How deep is this divide that we must confront in our church?

Granted, the ocean is not very deep in some isolated locations. But, I now understand this divide in our Church to be world-wide. This is not an Episcopal Church phenomena. This is a world-wide epidemic, with the potential to be as devastating as the reputed outbreak of the Bird flu.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

9 comments on “Cherie Wetzel, Lambeth #2: How Deep is the Ocean?

  1. Larry Morse says:

    And she said…. And SHE said…? Wake up people! The wolves are in the flock and we are talking about minorities in Sudan? This is a schizophrenic meeting; Everything is fine, we are told and all will be well, and yet, “She said…”? Why is any of the clergy with even a shred of self respect hanging around with this coven? What IS the matter with us? Have we really been THAT emasculated? How many insults does it take for you to say you’ve had enough? LM

  2. COLUMCIL says:

    Sadly, LM, you are right and the question is serious: “How many insults does it take for you to say you’ve had enough?” We’ve gone way past the answer: “Too many insults! Goodbye!”

  3. GSP98 says:

    “Fr. Wetzel asked if she was more inclined towards Sydney or Melbourne spiritually, her reply was a sharp rebuke against Sydney as being some kind of fundamentalists who want to complete the Reformation.”

    [i] Slightly edited. [/i]

  4. libraryjim says:

    It’s over. There is no chance of reconciliation with this kind of rhetoric. Jesus as “she”, refusal to find something nice to say about Anglican Christians in Sydney because they are fundamentalists.

    Lambeth will do nothing except rubber stamp the American and Canadian heresies.

    I think, unless the Queen or PM steps in, Rowan will witness the collapse of the Anglican Communion on his watch at this Lambeth Conference.

    In sadness,
    Jim Elliott <><

  5. robroy says:

    The poor lost souls who think that fundamentalist is an insult. They abhor those with “simple” faith. But they are the modern equivalent of the Greeks for whom Christ crucified is a stumbling block.

  6. State of Limbo says:

    [blockquote]Last evening one of the bishop’s wives I have contact with expressed regret about her Bible Study group. The wife from another province, known for its approval of and promotion of same-sex blessings, ordinations and consecrations, referred to Jesus as she. The wife said, “I asked Jesus what she thought about it and she said……”[/blockquote]
    And they wonder why we just can’t all get along.
    Where in the Holy Bible, in any credible, legitimate translation, does someone come up with the idea that the Son of God was really the daughter of God? The name Jesus is and was a masculine name. And if He were really a she that would mean that all of the Old Testament prophesy and everything written of HIM by the Apostles was a fabrication.
    Okay, maybe this is a simplistic way of looking at this issue. I am sure that the much more scholarly among you (and I mean that with all respect) can give a better evidence base to this argument.

  7. Jeffersonian says:

    What juvenile provocation.

  8. Larry Morse says:

    Expressed regret. Limbo, doesn’t anyone actually get angry any more? Would you take such feminist nonsense sitting down, would you politely express regret? Do Anglicans refuse to allow their feelings get past nothing more violent than expressing regret when Christ himself has been insulted and ridiculed? This SHOULD be sufficient cause for every orthodox Anglican there to pick up his curios and gifts for the kids back home and leave for Cleveland without so much as a Toodle oo. These are in-your-face insults. These creatures are slapping cheeks harder and harder, curious to find out how much abuse an Anglican can take before he says, “Ow.”
    And look, they haven’t hit that limit yet. Larry

  9. BishopRyle says:

    #2, the answer to “how many insults will it take?” [i] The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind. [i]