Bishops Lawrence and Love at Lambeth

Check out the photo.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008

6 comments on “Bishops Lawrence and Love at Lambeth

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Interesting that the two are caught in the same photo, when in some ways SC and Albany are so different in terms of churchmanship. But both +Mark Lawrence and +Bill Love were at GAFCON and both head up dioceses that are SOLIDLY orthodox. They thus have a key advantage that some other fine orthodox bishops in more centrist or mixed dioceses don’t have, say like +Jim Stanton in Dallas, or +John Howe in Central FL, or certainly +Bruce MacPherson in W. La. And in the end, that may allow them both to lead their conservative dioceses out of TEC. Out of the CPP and into the CCP. Out of the “Reformation Settlement” Anglicanism and into the new “Global, Post-Colonial Settlement Anglicanism” that +Duncan spoke of so eloquently in Jordan just before GAFCON started.

    I admit that this is my own hope, certainly for my own home Diocese of Albany, but also for SC too. I hope we see more photos of these two in the months to come, acting together in other ways than just going to GAFCON or registering at Lambeth. These are two of the best bishops in TEC. God bless them both.

    David Handy+
    Ordained in Albany 23 years ago

  2. Douglas LeBlanc says:

    For those readers of TitusOneNine who have not already discovered George Conger’s excellent blog of news reports and photos, here’s a link to a larger and more detailed version of the same picture.

    George has been posting wonderfully composed candid photos of bishops from around the world.

  3. Bill McGovern says:

    Fr. Hardy,
    Bishop Love made it clear in his first diocesan convention address that Albany would not leave TEC as long as TEC remained in the Anglican Communion. It does not appear that the Anglican Communion will kick Albany out any time soon. In addition, your bishop, stated he was only an observer at the Communion Partners Conference and did not otherwise participate or sign up. He still has made no public comment on the House of Bishops depositions of Cox and Schofield. He’s agreed to serve as a visiting bishop under KJS’s pastoral alternative plan for dissenting parishes, a plan that has been roundly condemned as unworkable. Albany is in the Presiding Bishop’s backyard, in a State where case law would not favor it’s separation from the national church, and it’s financial resources are so precarious that the cost of litigation would bankrupt it. I’m interested in where you find the basis for your hope that Albany will leave TEC?

  4. Bill McGovern says:

    That should be “Common Cause Partnership.”

  5. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Bill McGovern (#3),

    Yes, I’m well aware of all those things you mention. There are indeed huge obstacles in the way. But what can I say, “hope springs eternal…”

    And to my friend, Doug LeBlanc (#2), I’ll add, “Thanks for the tip, Doug.” I’m glad you dropped in for one of your all too occasional visits to T19. I wish you’d stop by more often.

    David Handy+

  6. Dilbertnomore says:

    Among that lot at Lambeth they would be better advised to stay back-to-back. Dangerous not to have all views defended in that crowd. Bad neighborhood!