A Stephen Colbert Segment on the Lambeth Conference

Watch it all if you are inclined to this sort of thing–the featured guest is Laurie Goodstein of the New York Times.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008

12 comments on “A Stephen Colbert Segment on the Lambeth Conference

  1. Chris says:

    Colbert is a product of Charleston btw. I was not terribly impressed with Goodstein though she did not get much time. Too bad he did not go after the church growth angle with her (why is it on the upswing in Africa and declining in places like Diocese of Newark, where Colbert lives).

  2. adhunt says:

    “This sort of thing?” – It is satire

    Bishop Wright promo’ed his “Surprised by Hope” on Colbert. He fared much better than some guests.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Very funny.

  4. KevinBabb says:

    It’s always interesting to see how the 99.7% of the US population who are not Episcopalian see the church. I remember during the 2003 General Convention, the Daly Show ran a brief piece about the Robinson election called “God Has Two Daddies”, a take-off on a notorious 1990s children’s book called “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

  5. Ann McCarthy says:

    Thanks for this. It was really funny.

  6. William P. Sulik says:

    Ah, clarity…

    “I know what Benedict XVI would say about ordaining gay priests … hell no.”


  7. Carol R says:

    Pretty freakin’ sad when Stephen Colbert can speak to the issue more clearly than the ABC. It was funny, though.

  8. trooper says:

    Love Stephen! And love how proud his is of his faith, and how he shares it with humor!

  9. Chris Hathaway says:

    I guess I’m going to have to give Colbert a secong glance, because that was brilliant. “Don’t ask. Go to hell”. Hilarious. Mind you, I’m still not convinced that he agrees with his church on these moral issues, but, boy, does he know how to skewer Anglicanism: “Perhaps Lambeth is like the U.N. You can pass all the resolutions you want. Doesn’t mean crap.”

  10. azusa says:

    Very funny and perceptive.

  11. ElaineF. says:

    [Still laughing] What clarity! Loved the juxta of the ABC with cousin Dumbldore! Couldn’t help noticing Stephen’s purple tie…

  12. adhunt says:

    “Why can’t they just do it like the Catholics? Hire all the gay clergy you want but don’t talk about it” HA!