Windsor Continuation Group – Preliminary Observations to the Lambeth Conference (Parts 1, 2 and 3)

Here is the full text it needs to be studied carefully.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008, Windsor Report / Process

One comment on “Windsor Continuation Group – Preliminary Observations to the Lambeth Conference (Parts 1, 2 and 3)

  1. hyacinth says:

    “Through modern technology, there has been active fear-mongering, deliberate distortion and demonising. Politicisation has overtaken Christian discernment.”

    This was the first item to jump out at me. What in heaven’s name could they possibly be referring to? Are they hinting at any particular technologies? Who are the culprits? Are they implying that all the bloggers have essentially fueled the level of hostility? Hhmm! Sorta like the crowds shouting out,”crucify him, crucify him” fueled the situation (It wasn’t the actions per se of the religious or political leaders but rather the behavior of the bloggers).

    Seems to me as if there is tremendous food for thought here for those of us in the blogging world. How much of this has been promoted and fueled by our inflammatory rhetoric? I’m grateful to Kendall and the elves who have worked diligently in insuring factual reporting but toning down the inflammatory rhetoric. Thanks crew. Wish the same could be said of so many of the both reassuring and revisionist websites. Seems so many have the compulsion to protect the Ark of the Covenant from tipping over onto the ground !