The Big Day

Our oldest, Abigail (center of photo), graduates from The Hill School today. Elizabeth and I feel as though we are 103 years old. The graduation speaker is Charles Frank–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall

4 comments on “The Big Day

  1. Irenaeus says:

    Time flies! It seems no time at all since Abigail began her studies at that school.

  2. Maria Lytle says:

    Congratulations and many blessings to Abigail on this momentous day!

  3. Chris says:

    Congratulations! (also good to see your son knows how to wear a tie and blazer, that seems to be on the wane)

  4. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Lovely school; I took the virtual tour. You must be very proud.