NY Times: Anglicans to Seek Pact to Prevent a Schism

In remarks to reporters, Archbishop Williams said little to clarify what the covenant might entail. But when he described the kind of church he saw emerging from future discussions, he spoke of a willingness to conform to agreed practices that sounded more disciplined than the Anglican Communion has been in recent times. “I hope that a little bit more mutual responsibility and accountability, a bit more willingness to walk in step, will make us more like a church,” he said.

In a remark that appeared directed at conservatives and liberals alike, he said Anglicans should work against “the tendency of local churches to get trapped in their local contexts” at the cost of shared spiritual ideals.

More pointedly, he appealed to “the North American churches” to stick to moratoriums on the ordination of openly gay clergy and the blessing of same-sex unions, saying their failure to do so would imperil the chances of broad agreement on the proposed covenant. And that, he said, would mean that “our communion will continue to be in great peril.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth 2008

2 comments on “NY Times: Anglicans to Seek Pact to Prevent a Schism

  1. Creighton+ says:

    Too little, too late….As Anglican TV noted, this is the last lambeth of a Communion that is not official fractured.

  2. Larry Morse says:

    William’s declarations here leave me sputtering with anger. They are – o watch out elves – shamefully and patently two faced. He quietly speaks for and seconds the liberal cause and then he quietly declares himself in favor of self-restraint and discipline, precisely what TEC has ALREADY declared, by word and deep, it will not do. Does he know this? Does the bear….etc.? But at all times, like Schori and Susan Russell. quiet, careful, modestly diffident, and, may I say, utterly utterly untrustworthy. Larry