BBC: Way ahead found in Church gay row

The BBC’s Robert Pigott says this would be “some sort of statement of shared beliefs and a more-or-less binding agreement to stick to them”.

Our correspondent said there were signs of support for a long-term strategy to prevent further disintegration, but that the issue had brought the Church to the “brink of a permanent split”.

“It seems that a number of groups of clergy have voted for a ban on gay bishops and church blessings for homosexual couples, as part of a long-term plan to preserve at least the core of the Communion,” he said.

One suggestion from the group working on a potential Covenant has been for churches departing from tradition to have “diminished status” within the Communion.

Such an arrangement would result in a two-tier Communion but no church would be expelled.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008

5 comments on “BBC: Way ahead found in Church gay row

  1. Larry Morse says:

    Holy Moses. this is MOTS (more of the same). Over and over. More or less binding agreement? What, again? More or less binding? That means non-binding, oui? This is enough to make even a patient man kick the cat down the cellar stairs. How stupid do p[eople like this think we are?
    Sigh. DAT. (don’t answer that) Muttering and Stamping Around in Maine

  2. Baruch says:

    No two tiered system will work. Where the TEC was called The Gay Church the performance at Lambeth 2008 has now smeared the whole communion with that term and makes it almost impossible to attempt to preach the gospel in areas with Islam is active. The Global South will be forced to separate itself from any such concept.

  3. Cennydd says:


  4. Larry Morse says:

    More or less binding. Yes. More or less dead. More or less pregnant
    You have to love this muddled mind, more or less. Larry

  5. Little Cabbage says:

    Again: RW is simply hanging on until the day his pension reaches its fullest, then he will ‘resign’ with ‘honor’ and write books that bring him even more lucre! HOW CAN HE SLEEP AT NIGHT?!?!?