A Guardian Editorial: Faith 1, Charity 0

The archbishop believes time might bring enlightenment, and his job is to stop the confrontationists of both sides forcing a division first. He has some eminent critics – including the Bishop of Winchester and, it is reported, the Bishop of Durham – who feel the avoidance of confrontation this past fortnight has merely set up a worse confrontation in the future. But peacekeeping is an inexact art. The danger of playing it long is that some might walk away from the process. Play it short, and some definitely will. History may say the rift had already opened before the bishops even arrived at Canterbury: after all, 230 of them stayed away. But Dr Williams has probably held off official schism for his tenure in office. His Lambeth Conference – only a decennial event – was not a complete failure. The liberals may feel the price was too high, but sometimes for peacekeepers, a fudge is as good as a success.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth 2008

8 comments on “A Guardian Editorial: Faith 1, Charity 0

  1. Harvey says:

    What’s that I hear: The lifeboats are coming back to get some more survivors. The TEC ship hasn’t fully sunk yet but I fear the sea is still getting in.

  2. Grandmother says:

    “Fudge” is totally unsuitable food for folks who need the Bread of Life.

    I realize its a secular newspaper, BUT, how can one rationalize the two Gospels that are being preached in TEC and Canada?

    The thing about “fudge” is, take it out in the sunlight of day, and all once has is a sticky, gooey, mess.

    “held off official schism for his tenure in office. His Lambeth Conference – only a decennial event – was not a complete failure.”

    Perhaps that was the only point……

    Gloria in SC

  3. Don Armstrong says:

    I sort of reject their concept of extremists…I would consider a suicide bomber an extremist…but are American liberals or GAFCON members extremists…or simply people clear with perspectives on certain issues.

    In American culture KSJ isn’t an extremist…in the church she could well be considered so, but are those who claim the faith of their childhood extremists…are those who have left the Episcopal Church yet continue to worship according to the historic order and teaching of the church extremists?

    I have a hard time thinking that is the case…otherwise to have an opinion places one at the extreme and, which is liberal tactic, embarrasses people into silence while the machine moves forward with its agenda.

  4. carl says:

    [blockquote] The archbishop believes time might bring enlightenment[/blockquote]
    This begs the question. Bring enlightenment to whom?


  5. Creighton+ says:

    I agree with Don…the language here is pejorative…confrontationalists? The two sides are clear about what they believe. They are simply presenting their understanding of the Gospel. Yes, they conflict with each other….nor can they both be correct…one is and the other isn’t…..

  6. driver8 says:

    It’s the Guardian! The house newspaper of social workers and teachers. Of course, “extremist” functions here simply to name those who take some non-liberal, non-secular view of the good for human beings.

  7. RS Bunker says:

    [b]He has some eminent critics – including the Bishop of Winchester and, it is reported, the Bishop of Durham – who feel the avoidance of confrontation this past fortnight has merely set up a worse confrontation in the future.[/b]

    If, and it is a big if, the reporting is true, and +Durham has decided to be publicly critical of his friend ++Rowan it could be a game changer, but I would not bet on it.


  8. Jeffersonian says:

    [blockquote]But Dr Williams has probably held off official schism for his tenure in office. His Lambeth Conference – only a decennial event – was not a complete failure.[/blockquote]

    Ever since the Jerusalem Statement, it’s been clear that there will be no schism within the Anglican Communion (in America, it’s another story). There will be, however, a bruising battle for control of the Communion between GAFCON and the revisionist faction. ++Rowan will see that up close and very personal.

    [blockquote]The liberals may feel the price was too high, but sometimes for peacekeepers, a fudge is as good as a success.[/blockquote]

    Fudge is indeed a complete success for the revisionists, but what is this “price” he speaks of? I don’t see anything even remotely resembling a price here.