The Latest from Intrade on the Race for President

Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

4 comments on “The Latest from Intrade on the Race for President

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    Among other things, Obama is certainly benefitting from the bad financial news of the last few days.

  2. Harvey says:

    Whether Obama continues to benefit I can only guess, since the US government seems in some ways to be doing what he has been advocating all along – big scale intervention but in a different area. We certainly will have enough time before election to see if this is the way to go.

  3. BrianInDioSpfd says:

    What’s odd is that Clinton still gets 3% when she no longer is in the running at all unless Obama were to resign from the ticket. Do the intraders really think there is a 1 in 33 chance of that happening?

  4. Chris Hathaway says:

    As far as Obama benefiting from the finincial crisis, that worm can easily turn once it is made clear how much money he took from Fannie and Freddie versus McCain. McCain is fiarly clean when it comes to this, while Obama has the second highest level of grease on him in the Senate.

    Following the money could do him in.