The Latest from Intrade on the 2008 race for President

Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

6 comments on “The Latest from Intrade on the 2008 race for President

  1. Chris says:

    the electoral count is a bit closer, 273 to 265 Obama over McCain:

    how much was Carter leading Reagan by in 1980 at this point? A lot more, if I’m not mistaken.

  2. Boniface says:

    I hate to say this chris, but Mcain is no Reagan. But Obama most certainly is the demcratic version of him. He oozzes charisma just like Reagan did.

  3. Chris Hathaway says:

    Reagan stood for clear cut priciples that everyone understood. Nothing could be further from the truth with Obama. Also, get him away from his prepared speeches and his charisma goes down the toilet. Reagan’s charisma was natural. Obama’s is manufactured.

  4. John Miller says:

    Mr Hathaway, You cannot seriously be contending the former President Ronald Reagan was at all able to speak off the cuff. He was a very fine orator and had a dazzling ability to memorize and then deliver long beautiful speeches as if they were impromptu, a skill that served him as well as a politician as it did as an actor. If you watch the rare instances where he didn’t know what was coming ahead of time, you can clearly see that he was no better then fair without a script. For a truly stunning example of this you need look no further then his testimony at the Oliver North trials where he came off as inarticulate at best.

  5. John316 says:

    Polls had the Carter-Reagan race a dead heat all the way till the end. It’s thought that developments in the Iran Hostage Crisis on the final weekend before the election caused a break toward Reagan on election day.

  6. Chris Hathaway says:

    John Miller,
    One need only look to Reagan’s performance at press calls to determine how good he generally was “off the cuff”. When he was caught without a good answer, as in the Iran Contra affair, it showed, but he clearly knew how to articulate his ideas without a teleprompter or prepared speach.