The Formal Letter of Deposition of Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh

From here:

The Episcopal Church
The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate

September 22, 2008

Robert W. Duncan
125 N. Linden Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15208

Dear Bob,

I wanted to write you personally to inform you that following the House of Bishop’s decision to consent to your deposition, of which you are already aware, I have signed the Sentence of Deposition, a copy of which is enclosed.

I think the press statement following the vote accurately sets forth the prayerful and thoughtful atmosphere of the discussions.

Please know that I urged the bishops gathered to hold you in prayer, and to do what they can to maintain a pastoral relationship with you. I pray that you may know the peace of Jesus Christ, and I remain

Your servant in Christ,

Katharine Jefferts Schori

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Presiding Bishop, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Pittsburgh

22 comments on “The Formal Letter of Deposition of Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    A wonderful example of piety used to cover-up malevolent and shameful deeds.

  2. Marion R. says:

    [blockquote]I wanted to write you personally . . . .[/blockquote]

    I’ll bet.

  3. evan miller says:

    Nice letter. I wish I thought it was sincere.

  4. Anvil says:

    Short and sweet. Anything longer and she’d need a form letter.

  5. Daniel Lozier says:

    She is not his servant in Christ, nor any faithful Christian’s. It is a slap across Christ’s face to make such claims when proceeded and followed by her actions.

  6. Rodney Pumas says:

    I really like the “Dear Bob” salutation.

  7. Dallas Priest says:

    The only thing missing in the cover letter was “I take great delight in sharing with you the outcome of our latest club meeting…….”

  8. drummie says:

    [comment removed]

  9. Chris Taylor says:

    So much for INDABA! Ah, Canterbury, we have a problem here.

  10. plinx says:


  11. libraryjim says:

    I thought there was a leak in my basketball, but the hissss was coming from this letter!

    (Oh, I’m in a contrary mood this morning!)

    Jim Elliott

  12. David+ says:

    Dear Bob,
    Even though I have slapped you in the face, I stand ready to cover the bruise with my makeup.
    Bishopess Kate

    Such a letter would be more honest in my opinion.

  13. Cennydd says:

    Excuse me while I use my barf bag!

  14. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Poor letter writing skills to match theological ones. My sixth grade English teacher would have the red pen out for composition and style. Yea, how the mighty are proven to have feet of clay. Can’t assess the penmanship (penfemiship, penwymship?).

  15. State of Limbo says:

    Is she for real??!

  16. COLUMCIL says:

    Spare me, please!

  17. DaveW says:

    As I read this letter a tear welled up in my eye. What Christian courage! What a sense of honor and perseverance! What a soldier for Christ!

    Bishop Duncan, I mean.

  18. Baruch says:

    I’m surprised she didn’t add, “Have a nice day.”

  19. Jeffersonian says:

    Well, bless her heart.

  20. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I try hard not to get on the Presiding Bishop’s case, but if this is legitimate, I think she would have been better served not to have even bothered writing a letter.

    I love the bit about the “press statement following the vote accurately sets forth the prayerful and thoughtful atmosphere of the discussions.”

    Besides being trite and bizarre, this statement is largely a non sequitur. The writer can’t find the time to write about how the vote went from personal experience but has to quote a press release.
    There’s some respectful brotherly love for ya.

    I also liked the bit about the reminding the bishops to pray for you. I hope bishops don’t need to be reminded of that. Secondly, I found the patronizing tone of that statment to smack of something akin to “we’ll pray the door doesn’t smack you in the rear end on your way out.”

    This is really a most unprofessional pinkslip.

  21. Eutychus says:

    The only word I can think of to describe this whole ordeal is “evil.” None of the disposition was handled with any integrity or honesty. This is the HOB? This is the HOB! This is the PB? This is the PB! God help us!

  22. Dilbertnomore says:

    I hereby offer to pay to have the Sentence of Deposition professionally framed in a manner fitting to the decor of Bishop Duncan’s office for its prominent display there. That document is no blight on Bishop Duncan. Very much to the contrary it is a badge of honor and worthy to be seen and admired by all who visit the good bishop.

    Bishop Duncan, if you wish to take me up on my offer, I would be honored to follow through. T19 has my email address and I grant T19 leave to give it to you.