Pope Benedict XVI: Three Positive Effects of Faith in the Afterlife

“The first attitude [for Christians],” he said, “is the certainty that Jesus has risen, is with the Father, and because of that, is with us forever. [”¦] Because of this, we are secure and free of fear. This was an essential effect of Christian preaching. Fear of spirits and gods was spread throughout the entire ancient world. And today as well, missionaries find — together with so many good elements in natural religions — the fear of spirits and the ill-fated powers that threaten us. Christ is alive; he has overcome death and has overcome all these powers. With this certainty, with this freedom, with this joy, we live. This is the first element of our living directed to the future.”

The second attitude for faith-filled Christians is the certainty that Christ “is with me,” the Pontiff continued.

“And that in Christ the future world has already begun — this also gives the certainty of hope,” he said. “The future is not a darkness in which no one gets one’s bearings. It is not like that. Without Christ, also for the world today, the future is dark; there is fear of the future — a lot of fear of the future. The Christian knows that the light of Christ is stronger and because of this, lives in a hope that is not vague, in a hope that gives certainty and courage to face the future.”

But this certainty, Benedict XVI affirmed in noting the third attitude, in no way justifies an escape from responsibilities in the present life.

Read it all.

Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Eschatology, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic, Theology

3 comments on “Pope Benedict XVI: Three Positive Effects of Faith in the Afterlife

  1. Ross Gill says:

    [blockquote] “And that in Christ the future world has already begun …”[/blockquote]
    Do I hear an echo from the Bishop of Durham in his words? Perhaps. Just as likely an echo of early church tradition that Tom Wright calls us back to. I like Pope Benedict more and more. A solid theologian who knows how to communicate the gospel.

  2. Helen says:

    “Can we also pray like this?” the Holy Father asked. “It seems to me that for us today, in our lives, in our world, it is difficult to sincerely pray so that this world perishes, so that the New Jerusalem comes, so that the final judgment and Christ the judge come.”
    Why can we not pray this way? It seems to me scripture gives us this permission. I really like the Pope, but this one confuses me.

  3. Ross Gill says:

    Helen, it appears that the Pope does pray like this. I think he is saying it is difficult for people to pray like this because of where they are situated with respect to this world. People tend to shy away from the prospect of judgement. But it certainly seems that this pope prays like this. And he believes we should too based on the following:
    [blockquote]”Certainly, we don’t want the end of the world to come now,” the Bishop of Rome said. “But, on the other hand, we want this unjust world to end. We also want the world to be deeply changed, the civilization of love to begin, [we want] a world of justice and peace, without violence, without hunger, to arrive. We all want this — and how can it happen without the presence of Christ? Without the presence of Christ, a just and renewed world will never really arrive.”

    Therefore, the Pope added, “though in another way, totally and deeply, we too can and should say, with great urgency and in the circumstances of our time, Come, Lord! Come to your world, in the way that you know.

    “Come where there is injustice and violence. Come to the refugee camps, in Darfur and in North Kivu, in so many places in the world. Come where drugs dominate. Come, too, among those rich people who have forgotten you and who live only for themselves. Come where you are not known.

    “Come to your world and renew the world of today.”[/blockquote]

    Even so, come Lord Jesus. Maranatha!