Warren Bolton: Remember the forgotten children this Thanksgiving Day

IT’S THANKSGIVING; who’ll remember the forgotten children?

That’s the name advocates have given the thousands upon thousands of children in foster care in the United States who won’t feel the warm embrace of Mom or Dad or know the blessed feeling of being with birth relatives this day so well known for love-laden family gatherings.

Even as you hug your own child tight today, even as you carve the turkey to share with family, even as you enjoy the warmth and hospitality of friends gathered around a table of plenty, remember the many abused and neglected children who’ve had to be taken from their families and left to the care of courts and overwhelmed, inefficient governmental agencies.

Pray for them, yes; prayer changes things. But also consider becoming a volunteer guardian ad litem who watches over these most vulnerable citizens.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Children

One comment on “Warren Bolton: Remember the forgotten children this Thanksgiving Day

  1. pressingon says:

    yes, yes, and amen from this adoptive mom of 2 former foster sons. rise up, church!