Mary Ailes: Historic week for Anglican Communion: From Chicago to London to Canterbury

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3 comments on “Mary Ailes: Historic week for Anglican Communion: From Chicago to London to Canterbury

  1. seitz says:

    Are we right to assume that AMiA is a part of the new province scheme? I was also curious about +Chew and +Anis as signing on to the new constitution. So did they help with its drafting, etc? Perhaps this will be clearer tomorrow.

  2. Chris Taylor says:

    Dr. Seitz, that should be +Mouneer, not +Anis. Egyptians, as a rule, do not have family names. +Mouneer is his given name, Hanna is his father’s name, and Anis was his grandfather. In Egypt he is referred to as “Bishop Mouneer.”

  3. seitz says:

    I am less concerned with Bishop Mouneer’s Egyptian ‘surname’ than I am with the questions. The story implies that Mouneer and John Chew are actively involved in the new constitution. Is this so?