Notable and Quotable

In Port Charlotte, Fla., Sharon Byberg has been looking for a job for 15 months, after being laid off by a surveying company where she made $17 an hour making blueprints for architects and builders.

Ms. Byberg has had few responses to her job applications at national retailers, fast-food chains and grocery stores. A local gas station got more than 1,000 applications for two jobs paying about $8 an hour, Ms. Byberg said.

“Jobs are like diamonds,” she said. “You got to know somebody to get one and they’re extremely rare. … Employers can pick and choose who they want.”

Ms. Byberg, 48, said she has $50 in a bank account and faces about $300 in bills for car insurance and a mobile phone. She hasn’t had any income since her unemployment insurance benefits ran out this September, so she and her 15-year-old daughter now live with her retired mother, whose Social Security checks cover essential costs.

She doesn’t plan to buy anything for the holiday. “I don’t see a Christmas,” she said.

From a front page story in Friday’s Wall Street Journal


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market

One comment on “Notable and Quotable

  1. Creighton+ says:

    Her story is common in SW Fl….most of my parishioners are retired but nearly all who work are at risk of losing their job and the market is closed….