Santa delivers wish for soldier's daughter

This is just simply fantastic–it was also in this past Sunday’s sermon. Watch it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Children, Military / Armed Forces

4 comments on “Santa delivers wish for soldier's daughter

  1. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    I found this very moving…but then I am a dad and I have a 2 yr old daughter! We so often forget the hidden casualties of war such as this little girl deprived of her father’s time and attention due to the inhumanity of this sordid world.

  2. Cennydd says:

    My wife and I remember what it was like when I was overseas and couldn’t make it home for Christmas to spend the holiday with her and our two small children. This is very moving for me.

  3. RevK says:

    Any military parent who has served a Christmas away from family – particularly small children – should identify with this video. I missed Christmas with my twins when they were about this little girl’s age. The sheer innocent joy of her expression at seeing her Daddy brings back memories of a Spring when I got to go home to my wife and kids.

  4. recchip says:

    First, to Cennydd and RevK, thank you for your service to our nation. You are HEROES!!!!

    To all:

    As we celebrate (Advent and)Christmas this year, let us remember our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coasties who are away from their families. They are away from their own families so that OUR families can remain secure.

    Never Forget, Freedom is NOT free.

    Thank you to all our Veterans!!! You are in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord send His Angels to keep watch over you!!

    Chip Byers, (AKA RECCHIP) Vice-commander Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Virginia