ABC News: Sources Say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is 'Senate Candidate #5'

Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) is the anonymous “Senate Candidate #5” whose emissaries Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich reportedly claimed offered up to a million dollars to name him to the U.S. Senate, federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News.

My goodness what a mess this Illinois situation is.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Politics in General

42 comments on “ABC News: Sources Say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is 'Senate Candidate #5'

  1. chips says:

    Chicago has always been a den of inequity. If the feds play this one right – who knows all of the people who might end up in the pokie. This may be the best show on TV for months and years to come.

  2. Clueless says:

    Insofar as the top “Fed” official will be Obama, I seriously doubt that there is any desire to “play this one right”. I imagine we will be treated to a successful cover up a la Clinton WhiteWater scandals.

  3. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I don’t know why anybody is surprised by any of this. I lived in Chicago for 3 years, and it’s government was the most corrupt I have ever seen. And its apparently always been that way.

    I’ve been surprised none of this came up in the presidential election. It’s not like any great undercover news operative was needed to learn about any of this. This has all been talked about on the streets of Chicago for years.

  4. John316 says:

    It was a tragic accident that killed 6 children and led to the conviction of Republican Gov. George Ryan and 76 others a couple of years ago.
    I’ve read that three of the last six governors of Illinois have been convicted of crimes.

  5. phil swain says:

    Archer(#3), are you really surprised that none of this came up in the presidential election?

  6. Ad Orientem says:

    No surprise here. I was telling friends last night that I would be surprised if Jesse Jr. was not mixed up in this. Illinois and Chicago are contenders for the most corrupt state and city governments in the country. The only others that could give them a run for that rather dubious honor are Louisiana and New Orleans. After that you would need to move to Mexico to find this level of official corruption.

  7. evan miller says:

    Where’s the surprise?

  8. NewTrollObserver says:

    Interesting [url=]NYT article[/url]:

    [blockquote]In a sequence of events that neatly captures the contradictions of Barack Obama’s rise through Illinois politics, a phone call he made three months ago to urge passage of a state ethics bill indirectly contributed to the downfall of a fellow Democrat he twice supported, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich.[/blockquote]

  9. the snarkster says:

    Chicago: Home of [i]Vote early and vote often.[/i]

    the snarksterâ„¢

  10. stjohnsrector says:

    Thank you Chicago for pushing Detroit and its currently in jail ex-mayor from the headlines!
    (unfortunately, the FBI is investigating several city council members for taking bribes for votes in a sludge plant contract, and that same ex-mayor for his ‘foundations’ that paid for his trips around the country).

  11. David Fischler says:

    Re #6

    Hey, what about New Jersey? My native state can compete with just about anyone when it comes to corrupt government!

  12. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    Well, I suppose not. Funny how the press can dig up a George W DUI from 30 years ago the week before the election but can’t put pen to paper on anything involving Chicago corruption.

  13. yohanelejos says:

    Perhaps because it fits into the “dog bites man” category of news stories?

  14. Spiro says:

    A few weeks into my curacy in the Chicago diocese, my wife and I decided not to watch the local news any more. The news was always one crime after the other, and one wire-tap, fed raid, sealing-off and packing of docs from a political official’s office, or one election fraud story after the other. The Archer-in-forests said it better.

    The political atmosphere in IL, and especially in the Chicago area, reminded us of some Third World society.

    BTW, could someone remind to press to put the D after Gov. Blago, please!

    If he were a Republican, I bet every news report would certainly have countless references to his party affiliation.

    Fr. Kingsley Jon-Ubabuco
    Arlington, TX

  15. azusa says:

    Well, I suppose not. Funny how the press can dig up a George W DUI from 30 years ago the week before the election but can’t put pen to paper on anything involving Chicago corruption.”

    Of course the press is complicit in all this. Obama rose to power on leaked revelations about Jim Ryan’s *sealed divorce papers, just as he got into the Illinois Senate by deposing the Democrat incumbent. Where did you hear about this? Or about Rezko, Ayers etc? Not in the MSM.
    He’s totally immersed in the ways of Illinois politics. Does anyone other than a True Believer think he is an ethical man?

  16. Dave B says:

    Obama won his Illinois State Senate set by disqualifing all the other Dmocratic canidates. Obama has had a long term relationship with Rezko. Funny how the press covered Palin “trooper gate” which turned into nothing yet little or nothing about Obama and Rezko or Blogy. News reports from 8 Nov tell of Obama meeting with the Gov. Now Obama denies he ever met with the Gov. Axelrod is back tracking on his statement that Obama and the Gov met. Why?

  17. Spiro says:

    Re#14, I meant, someone needs to remind the press to refer to Blago as “The Democratic Governor Blago…….”

    So, Obama “truthfully” never directly or indirectly dicusse his senate seat with the governor or his “agent”?

    If you beliece this, I have some penguines to sell to you – btw, the penguines are happily playing in the sands in the Sahara Desert.

    Fr. Kingsley

  18. Jim of Lapeer says:

    All over Chicago there are politicians saying:
    “This is illegal?”
    My best friend’s father tells a story of hurrying home to vote after a long day at work (he was a labor union member) and being stopped at the door to his poll and being told:
    “Don’t worry Mr. Crawford, we weren’t sure you were going to make it, so you already voted.” Wink, wink.

  19. Daniel says:

    As I used to hear them say in NYC, “The only honest politician is one that stays bought.”

  20. John Wilkins says:

    Spiro – in your language, what does “F–k” them mean? It seems to mean friendship. Blago didn’t really appreciate Obama.

    I’m amused by the conservatives trying to connect Obama with Blago.

    Blago’s past was linked to Obama’s mentor’s arch-enemy. Those who know Chicago politics would note that Blago was always a part of the machine. Obama was from Hyde Park – which the machine never quite liked because they were liberal and independent.

    Obama was responsible for bringing the embarrassment of Blago down. If anything, Obama is telling the corrupt wing of the democratic party that he doesn’t need to play their game.

  21. Alli B says:

    No offense, John, but you will defend Obama no matter what. Clearly you think he’s totally beyond reproach, regardless of his history.

  22. John Wilkins says:

    Alli B, I just ask for evidence. You will find fault with Obama, no matter what.

    I note that you did not refute a single thing I said.

  23. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    I am not a fan of Obama, but I don’t think we should jump to conclusions either. For the sake of the nation, I hope President-elect Obama was not involved in this mess. I do think that the Axelrod statement needs to be investigated. Merely saying that it was a “mis-statement” isn’t particularly convincing.

    I also think that Jesse Jackson Jr. has some explaining to do. If he was not personally involved, or had no knowledge of the corrupt deal, then fine. But if he is tainted, he should be prosecuted. Everyone involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    That being said, everyone also has the presumption of innocence…even the Governor. Let justice be served. Pray for all involved and pray for our nation. Pray that wickedness in high places be brought down and that the righteous will rule. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the judge and the prosecuter(s) and all the law enforcement folks. This is a spiritual warfare. Lord have mercy.

  24. Irenaeus says:

    Let’s keep our local Obama-haters’ rumblings in perspective.

    1. Obama had every right to make recommendations about who Blagojevich should appoint to replace him. He would have violated no law or ethical norm by doing so.

    2. We have no evidence whatever that Obama offered, attempted to offer, or conspired to offer any bribe to Blago. Moreover, Obama had no reason to do any of those things. He had [i] nothing to gain and much to lose [/i] from playing along with Blago.

    3. The remaining question is whether Obama has told the truth about the extent of his contacts. Lying about them would be wrong and could seriously damage Obama’s reputation. If Obama-haters believe he lied, we will see. But they should stop pretending that’s the same issue as offering bribes to Blago.

  25. The_Elves says:

    [i] This is NOT a thread on Obama. Please do not take this off topic. [/i]

  26. Irenaeus says:

    Dear Elves [#25]: I certainly didn’t think my comment #24 was taking the thread off track, considering that comments 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, and 23 dealt with Obama (explicitly or by implication). I did not want to let the viler of them go unanswered.

  27. Spiro says:

    John Wilkins #20,
    You are making my point. If there was no contact directly or indirectly, then explain this:
    -” Blagojevich “said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but ‘they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. F**k them,'” says the complaint.”

    What do you think was going on – leading to those statements? If there was no contact, directly or indirectly, please tell me what led Gov. Blago to his colorful language?

    Obama must be the most unusual person (for a Chicago politician, no less) if he never directly or indirectly discuss the prospects and potential personalities for a Senate seat he did so much to acquire, including trampling upon the privacy of a child (in opening and making public the contents of a divorce case of his Republican opponent during the early part of the Senate seat campaign).

    Btw, re #20: “Spiro – in your language, what does “F–k” them mean? It seems to mean friendship.”
    Well, I do not know what F…K means, but I sure do KNOW what it does NOT mean; It certainly does NOT mean Fr. Kingsley. That I know.

    Fr. Kingsley

    PS. Gov. Blago’s colorful vocabulary seems to have gotten some enrichment from listening to Jesse Jackson Sr’s open mike.
    It continues to amaze me that Obama’s “friends” seem to be the ones that are calling him names – behind his back.

    Fr. Kingsley Jon-Ubabuco
    Arlington, TX

  28. TheTombStone says:

    If you look between the rock and a hard place one will not be surprised that corruption in government is not limited to the secular world, but also to the church as well.

  29. Billy says:

    John, #20, the point is that Obama has made a habit throughout his campaign for President of stating that he had no contact or very little contact with various nefarious characters – Ayers, Rezko, Jeremiah Wright – only to have it proven that he had extensive contact; and now he’s doing the same thing with this corrupt governor – in the face of his closest advisor’s admission of discussions with the governor, he is denying that any discussions ever took place, when everyone knows they did – Axelrod said they did, and the governor said they did. What is Obama hiding? That’s the real question.

  30. Alli B says:

    Wow, Matt, are you reading the same thread I am? All anybody is saying is that Chicago politics have a bad track record for corruption, and it looks bad to even be associated with this governor (who Obama openly endorsed BTW). No one has said anything that isn’t true, and no one has said Obama is definitively involved. Chill!

  31. Billy says:

    #32, Matt, what is he hiding? Why did he deny he ever talked with the Governor, and the evidence is that he did? Why did he deny that he had a close relationship with Ayers, and he did? or with Wright and he did? or that he knew Rezko well, and he did and got his home from him? It’s a pattern, and we have a right to know. You, being an Obama supporter don’t like that, but you, also, refuse to read the thread in anyway except with your own bias – perhaps that’s all you can do. So be it.

  32. Sherri2 says:

    What is really at hand here is too appalling to ignore and yet it’s being totally obscured by the wish to dump Obama into it. Isn’t it disturbing that a seat in the Senate was literally up for sale in Illinois? Doesn’t it remind you of tales from Imperial Rome? How about if we look this reality in the face instead of running off with a tar brushes in hand looking for someone else to swipe?

  33. Irenaeus says:

    [i] Isn’t it disturbing that a seat in the Senate was literally up for sale in Illinois? Doesn’t it remind you of tales from Imperial Rome? [/i] —Sherri

    Blago’s conduct is so crass and shameless that it’s almost entertaining: a ham-handed “[url=]Coen Brothers like plot to sell a U.S. Senate seat[/url].”

  34. Billy says:

    Matt, what you are attempting is what Obama also attempted in his campaign … if he didn’t like certain coverage he was getting, he filed a lawsuit to stop it. Sorry, won’t work in the blogesphere. There is a reason Obama denied talking to the Governor, and I want to know what it is. And furthermore, Jesse Jackson, Jr. probably wants to know why he wasn’t candidate #1 (Obama’s candidate), in light of his support for Obama in the face of his father’s disdain for Obama and support for Hillary.

  35. The_Elves says:

    [i] Let’s calm down a bit on this thread and allow more than 2 or 3 commenters to dominate the conversation. [/i]

  36. John Wilkins says:

    #29 – Billy, Obama’s not hiding anything. That’s the catch-22. He can’t show anything so conspiracy theorists think there must be something there. If anything, Obama’s probably psyched. It’s a pain in the butt for him now, but if you knew the history of the different factions in Chicago Politics, you might learn something. Obama’s roots are in the Hyde Park good government, anti-machine side. But he was smart enough to know when he had to build bridges.

    Obama had formal relationships – with the three you mention. Except for Wright, there’s no evidence that Obama had extensive relationships with them. I have no interest in rehashing it, but Blago’s attitude toward Obama speaks for itself.

    It is likely that there was some sort of conversation between some people at some level about the senator’s seat. It could be “who would you recommend” which is completely justifiable to “if you give me money, I’ll do it for you” which is illegal. Everything Obama has said seems true.

    What is remarkable is that Obama had the strength, smarts and talent to encourages ethics reform in such a corrupt state. That’s unusual.

    If I were Blago I’d consider Obama a very poor friend. As he eloquently noted.

    I would also note that most Democrats really despised the Illinois Governor. Nobody’s upset that he was arrested.

  37. Billy says:

    John, #40, you don’t know if Obama is hiding anything or not. You assume he is not because you want to assume that because you support him. And there is much evidence of extensive relationships with Ayers and Rezko. My goodness, Obama started his political campaign in Ayers living room. Rezko got him the sweet deal on his house and got his wife her job. But as with Wright, he has tried to act like they were just casual acquaintances and the MSM has let him get away with it (and you have now seconded that notion). I am somewhat familiar with Chicago politics. Your statement that Obama “was smart enough to know when he had to build bridges,” is, again, typical Obama and Obama supporter understatement. It is well-known in Chicago that Obama and Richard Dailey are very close allies, that Obama was a part of the Dem machine in Chicago, and that Dailey has no love for Blago. As far as the ethics reform encouragement, all politicians do that at some point in their careers, if they are not involved in some current corruption scandal, and Obama was no different. I agree it would have been perfectly natural to discuss his successor with the governor. All I’m asking (which you Obama blind supporters seem to want me and others not to ask – calling it conspiracy theorism) is why, when the subsequent evidence shows the opposite, is Obama denying that he had any discussions with the governor, when it would have been perfectly natural for him to have done so. That’s not a hard question, nor is it an irrelevant question. Why are you and the other Obama supporters so upset about that question?

  38. John Wilkins says:


    Your argument seems to be “your an Obama supporter, so you don’t see things realistically.” Tu Quoque, Billy.

    Do you think that Obama was going to buy the Senate seat from Blago? Think he had any intention of doing it? If so, why?

    Second, why would he have had to speak with the governor directly?

    Let me help you out a bit. Remember Harold Washington? Kendall’s linked to a This American Life story about him a couple years ago. He was mayor of Chicago for about 5 years, and took on the Daley Machine. He was one of Obama’s heroes. If you want to undertstand Obama’s drive, He’s the one you should read about. Harold Washington was one of the few politicians who could both manage the machine, challenge it, and remain an idealist while governing fairly. A politician like him comes along rarely.

    Washington had a “relationship” with the machine, but it was often difficult. Similarly, Obama does have “a relationship” with Democrats. There’s a good reason for this. He’s a Democrat. If you’re a powerful Democrat, you will have a relationship with other Democrats. Obama’s relationship with Daley was fostered after he’d had some national success.

    Therefore, the alliances you mention are far more complex than you allude. It’s not a matter of Obama being a part of the Democratic Machine, as if it were some kind of unified entity. That’s just bad history.

    There is no reason to assume that Obama had a direct conversation with Blago. Undoubtedly, there might have been some sort of conversation between a staffer and the governor: clearly the governor wanted Obama to give him something. And it’s pretty clear Obama wouldn’t play. Further, Obama’s main choice is going to Chicago. A smart leader (which I do think Obama is) It might have been that Obama just let things go and see how things play out.

    Putting Rezko and Wright in the same class is imprecise. Obama and wright had a longer relationship that was generally mutually beneficial until Wright went before the National Press Club. They were friends, and Obama never denied that. Rezko was an opportunist who tried to “help” everyone. And Blago was the governor – and governors typically have some kind of relationsihp with their senators. As I said, Blago and Obama come from competing factions in Illinois Democratic Politics. You have not proven otherwise.

    I don’t know if you do politics, Billy, but I used to go to house parties for politicians frequently. Politicians often go from house to house, and they don’t know the person well. You insinuate that Ayers had a direct hand in Obama’s career, when a more accurate story is that one of Ayer’s friends asked Ayers to donate his house for a party. Both Ayers and Obama have spoken about the relationship. You just choose not to believe them. That’s alright, but I suspect that until Obama admits he’s really a Marxist revolutionary that has promised Ayers his first love child and Rezko a seat on the Freddie and Fannie board, you wouldn’t be satisfied.

    There is plenty to criticize Obama about. this is manufactured.

  39. Billy says:

    #42, John (and elves) this will be my last post on this matter. You have read me wrong. I don’t care about ILL politics or Chicago politics. I know they are a corrupt machine and everyone else knows it. I know there are factions that compete against each other and that Obama was a part of one of those factions and was (and may be still) a part of the machine. All I’m asking is why he denies his contacts with Bloge? You want to ignore his connections with the people of questionable character – like Ayers (and he had more than a errant living room relationship – he got funding for Ayers’ education programs and served on boards with him), Rezko (who went to jail for his wrongdoings) and Wright – and say my question is irrelevant, that’s fine. I say you are doing that because you are his supporter – you say I am raising the question because I am not. Mox nix. The facts are that he has had relationships with questionable people (not because he is a Democrat) and now, when it would be quite normal for him to have a connection with a Democratic Governor of his state because he was the Dem Senator, he has denied contact. That is strange and asks for a question why he is denying the contact? That’s all I’m asking and it makes me wonder why his supporters, like you, are so adamant that the question should not even be asked. I hope there is nothing to it for Obama’s sake and for the sake of our country. But, you know, we had a Congressman go to jail for a year for lying to a Federal Prosecuter, in which he denied being at a meeting where he was offered a bribe that he refused – So, as you can see, the question of why Obama is denying the contact when Axlerod said there was contact may be quite relevant, if the law is to be applied equally to all citizens. given the other evidence from the Bloge wiretaps that Bloge apparently tried to get everyone who contacted him to give him a bribe for any political favor or political appointment.

  40. John Wilkins says:

    Billy, get specific.

    Obama did not have direct contact with Blago about the senate seat. A list may have been given, but it was nothing that would have been unusual between any senator and governor. In politics, there are plenty of unspoken things done, which is why this is quite ridiculous. But Blago knew that Obama had his number, which is one reason he got so angry. You don’t seem able to explain that away. the question is – why is the contact so important? Do we think there was a deal about to be made? Unfortunately for conservatives, there’s no evidence.

    The confusion arises because people are making normal contact between politicians a matter of corruption. Obama was at events with Blago. Obama, like a good Democrat, endorsed Blago.

    Fortunately, Obama has been far more willing to share the information with the press (far more than Bush has during his Administration).

    As far as politicians dealing with unsavory characters, I admit some amusement. We don’t elect saints. I never supposed he was one. We elected someone who could do the work.

    If you don’t care about Illinois politics, why should I suppose you understand it?

  41. Irenaeus says:

    Today’s Chicago Tribune reports on [url=,0,3359611.story]the list Rahm Emanuel gave Blagojevich’s chief of staff before the Nov. 4 election[/url]. The list contains nothing untoward and, BTW, does not include Jesse Jackson Jr.

    “On the list were Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, Illinois Veterans Affairs director Tammy Duckworth, state Comptroller Dan Hynes and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Chicago.” After the election, Emanuel called the chief of staff to “to add the name of Democratic Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan.”

    So far, so good.

  42. Irenaeus says:

    Blago [url=,CST-NWS-blago13.article]will announce early next week[/url] that he is resigning to clear his name and spend more time with his family.